Chapter 11 - Reveal

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You looked around hopefully. The darkness felt like it was getting to you and you were like the last rays of sun light slowly disappearing and being replaced by the dark, night sky. You tried to desperately search for anything that could give you hope that this wasn't the end. The hopelessness and anxiousness was getting to you when you suddenly saw it in the distance. Another light. You started to run towards it but fell over. You noticed that the light approached quickly. At first you were shocked. Then you looked at their face. It was him. It was Smith.

You got up. "What are you doing here? Are you here to mock me of your victory! How you finally-" You were stopped when the Smith wrapped his arms around you, quite tightly actually.. You were left silenced by this. "I've missed you so much." He professed releasing a quick sob you slowly wrapped your hands around him. "I was so scared that he got to you- That he'd turn you to one of us." He continued. "Why did you do it?" You asked letting go of him. "Do what?" Smith asked. He slowly released you from the hug and you looked into his eyes as you spoke. "Why did you try to infect me.. And Neo? And why didn't you answer when I tried to message you?" His eyes held a sadness as he spoke. 

"That wasn't me." You looked at him confused. "It was a copy of me. The system found out about us." You let out a light gasp. Smith continued. "They still wanted my skill set to be used but knew that there was no agent that could get me to do that. Expect myself. So they tore a piece of my program in hopes of creating me a clone that could either talk some 'sence' into me or replace me. Then everything could be fine, but the copying was dangerous and my copy got damaged. He ended up becoming a virus, who's goal is to take over the whole Matrix. And since I'm still the strongest Smith he wants my help. But he can't control me because I am the original. He hoped if he'll destroy you, I'll give up on humanity and help him take over or that it'll be easier to control me.. I've been trying to contact you but it's been really hard since I share a connection with my copys which means if I'm with you, the others will know. Also he held me captive for a while. So I couldn't reply to your messages." He finished. "Couldn't you hop to another body?" You questioned him. "He somehow hacked into my code and changed me so I can no longer change into another body. But it soon was revealed to me that I can take over other Smiths. That's how I escaped.

"This is the truth?" You asked staring into his eyes intensly. You had learned to read him. You had ways of getting threw his pocker face that he used when working. Or he just showed his emotions better when around you. "Yes." He confirmed sadly. You wrapped your arms around him. "I was so scared you had turned on me and the crew, that-that you didn't love me anymore.." You eased on your tight hug only to kiss him once again. It had been so long. It felt like an eternity. He let go of your lips pretty quickly. "You must go! The time is running out. Your light is fading. You can't stay here or you'll become like the clones." He stated. "Well I'd atleast be a good looking mindless copy." You quipped. Tho he did give you a flattered look he repeated. "You have to go." "But how? I'm pretty sure I'm stuck here. And how will I find you? I have to see you!" You begged. You needed to see him and really touch him. The meeting had revealed you the truth and now you needed to be with him and tell him things would be alright and you needed him to tell you the same. "We'll think about that later, love. But you have the power to do this. I know you do. I've seen it." You hugged him once more but soon felt your arms let go of him as you fell to the floor. Your legs had given out on you. You had to go. You'd soon be too weak to go. "I love you, Smith." You looked up at him as he kneeled in front of you. "I love you too." He whispered his fingers caressing your cheek gently. You leaned into his touch as you closed your eyes and focused on seeing the light inside of you. Knowing that the love of your life wasn't actually trying to kill you gave you strenght and soon the dark around you changed to that beautiful light.

You gasped as you opened your eyes. The black substance had started to draw away. The fake Smith still sat in front of you. His eyes were wide open as he stared at you with surprise. The look in his eyes screamed 'How'. You kicked the Smith behind you away. And decided that now was a good time for a retreat. You used all of the power you could muster and teleported into the crew's usual base, the old motel. As soon as you saw that your surroundings had changed you let yourself fall to the floor in exhaustment. "(Y/n)!" It was Morpheus. He kneeled in front of you. You breathed heavily as you slowly rolled on your back. "He-he's not evil." You told him, your voice holding a certain calmness. "Just try to calm down, we'll talk about that later. Tank said that you encountered Smith and your code suddenly changed. We feared the worst." Trinity explained. "Trinity, please call Neo. Inform him that she has been found." Morpheus commanded the bad ass female. She nodded before walking to the other room to call Neo. "Did you find the keymaker?" You asked between deep breaths. "Yes we did. But for now you should rest." Morpheus assured gently as he sat next to you. You nodded slowly as your eyes slowly closed and you were taken by sleep.

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя