Chapter 19 - Headquarters

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You inched closer to Smith. "We really should get up." Smith mumbled kissing the top of your head. "Why do you always have to be the reponsible one?" You asked teasingly. "Well, if I wasn't, we'd never get anything done, would we?" Smith reminded combing threw your hair with his hand. You had learned that he liked to do that whilst still in bed after waking up. You didn't mind. "That's the point! Imagine... Us cuddled up in bed the whole day just stuck to each other." Smith chuckled at that. "I'll not force you out of bed, yet, but I'll go get dressed."

Smith returned sooner rather than later. He had to wear more sweaters and jackets since he'd be mixed to the other Smith's easier if he wore his usual suit. "Looking good, handsome!" You winked at him. He smiled but rolled his eyes. "Come on.. You gotta get up too." Smith started walking to the bed. You frowned at him. "Fine. I'll do it myself then." He said picking you up. You let out a small squeak of surprise. "LET ME DOWN-!" You screeched. Smith put you down. "You left me no choice." You punched his chest gently as revenge. He raised his eyebrows at that but the look on his face screamed 'Not surprised'.

You got dressed as well before the two of you headed to the main area. You had to leave the Matrix to eat real breakfast but returned right after. You'd have a small meeting to map out your next step. "Neo and Trinity headed out to the machine city earlier today, Neo want's to make a deal with the machines so that the Smith clone can be wiped out. Our main goal will be protecting the real Zion." You paced with your hands behind your back. The plan to make a deal with the machines worried you. What if they didn't accept the deal? What if Neo died on the way? Would you have to take on the role? "I won't be able to enter the real world since I am a program and all that, but I could try to keep Smith occupied here and report to you if I manage to find out anything more about his plan.." 

"I can stay behind with Smith, he needs all the backup he can get." Smith shot you an unsure look, but you brushed it off. "Do you really think it's for the best? You did do that cool.. 'Stopping the sentinels with your mind' -trick before.. It could come in handy." Nova had been quiet for a suprisingly long. "You do remember she fell into the limbo after doing that last time, right?" Phoenix pointed out. "Oh. Yeah. Right. Sorry. I forgot that." 

It had been settled. You would stay in the Matrix and try to seek out the Smith's lair. Distracting Smith and getting more info on what you were dealing with would be a good mission. You arrived to the old lair where Smith had been held to look for clues. "Stay close." Smith commanded. You sighed at that but followed his order nonetheless. You sneaked inside carefully through the backdoor. You had you gun ready in case any of the Smith's decided to show their face. "He was right.. They did show up!" Great. Smiths.. "Hiya fellas! Have you had fun working on that whole world domination plan?" You asked as Smith cocked his gun. 

A fight broke out. And eventually you and Smith were victiorious. "Wait! I surrender.. Please. The leading Smith is a douche. I-I can help you get in the new headquarters." "Where are these 'new headquarters'?" You asked holding a gun against the clone's head. It felt weird. He looked identical to your lover and you were threatening him. "H-he has taken over the Agent building. H-he has deemed it worthy enough to be his place of operation." 

You and Smith reported to the others. You, the clone Smith and the real Smith arrived at the skyscraper that had belonged to the agents. "Do you know a way that we could enter through without being noticed?" You asked the clone. "The fire exit. The stairs there should be unguarded, but the door is locked. You can use my keycard to get in." The clone gave his card to Smith. "I'll get going then." "No." Smith answered stritcly. "You could warn the other Smiths. You're coming with us." He announced and the Smith clone frowned at that. "Just don't hurt me." The clone said as it followed along to the fire exit door. Smith used the card and you kept a close eye on the clone. 

You and Smith sneaked up the stairs. The clone was going first. "What was the whole thing at the docks? I felt the pain of a bunch of Smith's are they alright?" One of the Smith clones asked. "Yeah. The Smith and his girlfriend returned to the dock but left after kicking our asses. I gave them the wrong address when they interrogated me." The clone assured. "Alright. I'll inform the others. I could also really use a cup of coffee right now. Are you up for one?" "I'm in a bit of a hurry right now, but maybe next time." "Alright, well I need to head to the meeting anyway.." 

The other clone opened one of the doors and entered leaving only the cowardly copy waiting for you and the real Smith. You and Smith crept up the stairway. "This is the main hall and I'm pretty sure they are holding a meeting in there right now." The clone stated. "How should we sneak in? Through a vent perhaps.." "Or since Smith's are allowed in and the hall is full of the clones.. I could sneak in if I just get a suit and a pair of shades. The hall is full of clones so finding me there would be pretty much impossible." 

The Smith copy got the real Smith one of the regular suits and a pair of the shades. "You look great." You whispered when he was about to sneak in. "I'll stay hidden. You two can sneak in." You assured. "It's risky but since everyone should be at the meeting I think it'll work."

"I truly hope so."

Emotions are complex //SEQUEL TO THE AGENT SMITH X READER "HE IS A PROGRAM"//Where stories live. Discover now