Chapter Ten

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Like predator and prey, Trish and I worked as one- a real team for once- as we tracked the Beta through the pack. He was elusive, but we found him before long at tomorrow's execution site. He was pacing, at a loss for what to do.

I wondered what he thought he knew.

After all, the only thing he'd really seen was us foiling crime scene evidence rather than appropriately dealing with the bodies. He saw Trish first. She appeared through a line of trees, her chin raised, her expression dark and menacing.

When she was so busy being whiny and annoying, it was easy to forget why Trish had been kicked out of her pack. Unlike Igor, she'd been kicked out for going through with a murder. She'd killed her own mate. Unlike me- she was sure it was him. There were sparks.

But she was still no match for a Beta, especially now she was a rogue. Her mate hadn't been anyone with status. He hadn't put up much of a fight.

To fight someone like a Beta, you'd need someone with equal power or more. It was a pity Igor was so set in his morals. We'd had to move mountains to get his help with those councillors. There was no chance in hell he'd agree to the murder of a 'good Beta'. Which was exactly why he wasn't going to know.

I waited at the Beta's back, just in case he decided to run.

Maybe- if I ever made an effort to hone and train the power I'd been born with- I could take him in a way that many considered honourable. But after twenty long years, I still hadn't gotten to the acceptance stage. Alas, fighting dirty was so much more fun.

"Beta Jackson," Trish called, clasping her hands together. If we one day got over our little squabbles, I was so going to have to teach her how to do the mocking intimidation thing. This wasn't funny or scary. You needed to have one nailed before you could set your mind on both. Regardless of this, she had the Beta's attention. From the way his shoulders tensed, he hadn't expected us to track him down so soon. "What did you see?"

"I knew something was going on from the minute you lot got here."


"You don't act like councillors."

This was exactly what I'd been telling them all. Did they listen to me? No. It was their loss, not mine.

"What did you see?" She repeated.

"I wasn't supposed to wait behind- but I did. I knew you weren't doing what you said you were doing. So you lot must've killed the council. So tell me, why'd you do it?"

Trish's gaze flickered up to mine, almost seeking approval. What did she expect from me? I wasn't going to give her anything.

But I did have to admit she was fucking this thing up big time. I could do a better job with my eyes closed.

So, sighing, I stepped to centre stage.

"Isn't it obvious?" The Beta flipped around to face me. Trish took this as her chance to grab her hidden daggers from her boots- we wouldn't be needing them. Killing was so much better the traditional way. "We're rogues."

His eyes widened. "I don't believe you."

"Why? Because we're not foaming at the mouth and chewing on your brains?"

"Because you're the Alpha's mate."


"I hope you're happy, you just signed your death sentence. And you really don't want to know what us rogues do with the bodies."

Nothing. We weren't that gross.

Trish swung at him with those knives from behind, her legs wrapping around his waist from the back. But he flung her, booting her in the side. I winced upon hearing a rib crack. That was going to leave a mark.

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