Chapter Thirty-Two

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The only place I could seem to catch any alone time was outside of the gates. The guards let me out without question. They gave me a nod, then returned to their stations.

Nowhere inside was safe. My Mother followed me everywhere, searching for the perfect time to get me alone and talk mates. I couldn't take reprieve in the meeting rooms since the Ranger was still using them. I'd begged for Trish to help me out and hide me under her bed. Instead, she'd found my dilemma outrageously funny. Then there was the issue of Igor following me around. By now, he'd figured out there'd been a meeting regarding Alpha Diego's impending demise that he hadn't been invited to.

Apparently, he'd labelled me the most likely to tell him the details. I'd like to blame it on my stunningly good looks, but I knew he knew I was the least likely to follow the rules.

So, it was outside the gates to the rogue base where I finally found myself able to sit in peace, my back to a tree at the start of the forest line.

Mere days ago, Igor had nearly gotten himself and the Alpha killed around here with that tripwire.

I heard the footsteps approaching and decided to ignore them. There was only one person dumb enough to follow me outside of the gates to bother me.

He dropped to the ground at my side, whistling out a deep sigh.

With my eyes closed, I focused more on my senses. I knew his hand was moving. Slowly up my leg. He was going to reach for my hand any second now. When he did, he tugged me into him. I didn't complain. His chest was a much better headrest than the tree trunk.

"You can talk to me Lorelei. I know you're stressed. I'm here to listen."



"Just be quiet. I'm listening to my surroundings." To the irritating chirping of the birds, or the sound of running water not so far away. If I strained my ears, I could just about hear the sound of people sparring within the gates. "Oh no. You've come here to talk, haven't you? Can't you just give me an hour or something first? All anyone ever wants to do nowadays is talk. It's exhausting."

"I want you to tell me things." Of course he did. "It doesn't have to be personal. But if people are sniffing around in places they don't belong, you should tell me."

"Should I?"

"Yes, you should."

"You didn't ask."

"Should I have known to ask?"

He wanted us both to put the effort in, but I just didn't fancy it. I wasn't an effort kind of person. I took the easy road or I didn't do it at all. That was how I'd always worked. Besides, Igor was just sniffing around. He hadn't really actually done anything wrong. It was just suspicious.

"You must be super happy. My family all approves of you. My Mother adores you."

"I can't be happy until you accept me. Let me know when you're ready to."

"You think your pack could manage two Alphas?"

"I think my pack will manage whatever I tell them to manage."

I smirked against my better judgement. Words like that did things to me. Secretly, I think we're all a little attracted to power.

"The Council will be at your pack at this very minute. If they think you're bringing me back, they'll have my head."

"I won't let them touch you."

I'd bet he could fight the Council on anything. They had to watch their footing more around Alphas like Aidan. It was all fun and games until they messed with an Alpha with power. I wondered just how many packs were somewhat ruled by this man. There were many. That I knew of for sure.

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