Chapter Thirty-Four

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From somewhere, the base managed to procure a car. It wasn't a particularly good car, but it would fit four people and get us to Alpha Diego's pack much quicker. It wasn't ideal but it was an asset, nonetheless.

Just outside of the gates, our team of now four gathered with my Mother and the Ranger with us. The car was packed with the few things that we'd be needing. Killing this Alpha would serve as a message to the Council.

After this, war would be declared.

"Bring it in, Lorelei." I didn't do hugs, but I was making an exception right here. The man was hardly going to live forever. Besides, his hugs reminded me of simpler times. After a moment, he pulled back and held me at arm's length. "I don't want anymore of this bullshit after you've gone. You have to come visit me every so often, understand?" I nodded once, though I knew the chances of that happening were slim. "I worry about you, kid. Don't push your Alpha away." Again. "I trust him to protect you better than I trust you to protect yourself. Watch out for yourself, kid. I don't think I'd cope if you died."

"You too, Ranger. I might actually miss you this time around."

He smiled sadly. "Keep an eye out on that Beta, too. His mind's been slowly deteriorating since he lost his pack. It's been slow, thus far. I think being so close to pack life is speeding it up."

"I'll tell Trish. Watching Igor is more up her lane."

I was lucky Trish wasn't close. She'd be whacking me around the back of the head for that comment.

"And you, son." The Ranger reached a hand out for Aidan, who shook it cordially. "You should know it doesn't matter you're a big bad Alpha in these halls. You're good for our Lorelei, so you'll always have a place here, whether she wants you here or not."

He grinned down at me, all too pleased with how events were panning out. "I'm sure we know which one of those it'll be." I deigned to roll my eyes. "I'll make you a promise though, Ranger. The next time I come here, she'll be in love with me. She'll wear my mark on her neck, have Luna as a title and we'll be well on the way to winning a war."

Kindly, I scoffed. He was too sure of himself for something I was positive would never happen.

"I don't doubt it, son."

"I do."

"Cram it Lorrie." The Alpha pulled me into his side, enjoying the art of touching far too much. "We know you're love sick inside."

As I vomited in my mind, the Ranger turned to the approaching blonde, who looked all too happy with herself. "You, Beatrice, should remember what I said. If you don't want to take up a position in Alpha Aidan's pack, then you should know we always have space for you here."

She smiled. "I'll bear that in mind, Sir. It's been a pleasure meeting you."

Igor was already in the car. Whatever the Ranger told him yesterday must've shaken him. He didn't so much as dare to glance this way.

The Ranger gave us all one last sad smile before business mode set back in.

"Remember the importance of this mission. Alpha Diego's death will be a catalyst for this war. They'll need someone to take control of the pack before the Council steps in. Aidan, son, can you manage that?"

"It'll be one amongst many."

"Good. Watch out for yourselves. And for God's sake, don't die."

I smirked. "We'll have to get back to you on that one."

The importance of this mission couldn't be stressed enough. This was what would change everything. People would choose sides after this.

Maybe I had been a bit quick to undermine the Alpha. Without him, it'd be the bases against the Council and the pack wolves. With him, the tables would turn.

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