Chapter Twenty

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His feet were still teetering on the edge. The slightest bit forwards and his toes would touch the water. His clothes were thrown beside him in a messy pile on the bank, all but for one piece. "Clothes off Lorrie. I'm not negotiating this with you."

I pushed the hair out of my face again, giving him my full focus. I couldn't let him get one over my head here. I couldn't let him distract me.

"You can tell me which way to walk, how high to jump and how fast to run, but you're not moving me in this."

He snarled in my direction, not that it would make a difference. I could out stubborn a mountain. Out-doing him in this would be easy.

"What are you so afraid of?" He asked. "I didn't take you for the modest sort."

Pfft- modest wasn't a word in my dictionary. I'd shifted and left myself naked in front of people countless times. Modesty simply didn't come into the equation.

"I'm not. Do you really think you'd be the first man to see what I'm hiding under my shirt?"

"You shouldn't say things like that to me."

"Why? Because you're a possessive male?"

"Exactly that. Clothes off now Lorrie. I want to see what's mine."

He really had snapped. Gone were the pretty little attempts at winning me over. He'd said he'd play my game. Was this what he had to offer?

It shouldn't have been so attractive- but maybe every now and then I liked being told what to do.

"Actually," I said, pursing my lips. "You know what, I might let you see what you'll never have."

He opened his mouth to say something, but it was too late. The water churned around me as I pulled the sodden shirt from over my head. The water blocked him from seeing most of me, but if those flashing, hooded red eyes were evidence to go by, he'd caught himself a good glimpse.

I threw the shirt over to the banks. He caught it single-handedly, laying it down with his clothes.

"You're playing a dangerous game here," He told me, as if to school me in my ways. "You don't know half of what you're messing with."

I looked him up and down, biting my lip. "I can see more than half." Of course I knew what I was playing at- but he'd annoyed me. I deserved to get some revenge. Besides, I might as well let him have a look at what he'd never have. He could dream about me when I inevitably left him. I was sure I would. As soon as the Alpha was killed. And if he didn't accept my rejection, it was his life that'd be, I might as well give him something nice to part on. A memory to take to the grave, if you will.

"You tempt me with things you're not ready for."

"You told me to take my clothes off." I smiled coyly at him, though it obviously failed to meet my eyes. "How am I supposed to know whether to take you for your word or not?"

Those red eyes were dark, unseeing. "When your heat comes, I'll remind you of this."

"If you plan to keep talking, you should go find someone that's going to listen."

"Little bitch."

Sensing his gaze, I probably did push him a bit with what came next. I swam out for the waterfall, my strokes sending ripples all around me. The pool was deeper beneath the waterfall, but the outstretching rocks gave me something to sit on. Lugging myself up and onto them, my breasts- or lack thereof- bounced. His eyes were drawn to the movement. And then- cupping the water from the waterfall, I sensuously stroked it down my chest. Of course, the water didn't go a long way, but my hands did.

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