Chapter Fifteen

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When the light of the morning broke through the barrier of my eyelids, I groaned at the tragedy. I hadn't been getting enough sleep recently. This simply wouldn't do. Unsurprisingly, his eyes were already on me, expecting something.

There was something different in the way he looked at me. Trish must've said something to him. Whatever it was she'd said, I'd kill her for it. There was a strange knowingness, as if he knew everything I had planned.


Even I didn't know half of the evils I planned to do.

"Sleep well?" He asked me. I didn't even spare him a glance.

A rustling sounded not so far away. A ginger head appeared behind the trees. Peter arrived with a small, familiar bag. "I got food everyone."

I hadn't allowed myself to eat much in the pack. I knew rich food would be drugging. "What did you steal?"

"Nothing this time. It's just berries and what we had left of the rations. I'll try to fish or something later." He handed a small share of food around, growing confused upon reaching the Alpha. We weren't barbarians. We weren't going to starve him. "Are his chains allowed off?"


The word was out my mouth before I could even think it through. If those chains came off, he'd throttle all of us in a heartbeat. Personally, I rather liked my neck unbruised.

"Then how's he supposed to eat?"

Trish smirked, stretching her limbs out at my side. "I'm sure Lorrie wouldn't mind feeding him." The Alpha's eyes darkened. He ran his tongue over his lip, as if the thought actually pleased him. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind being fed by Lorrie either."

I huffed. There was no chance I was going over there and feeding him. I'd sooner sit back and watch him starve. "I'm sure Igor wouldn't mind feeding him either. You'll have to excuse me- I could be wrong- but I believe the term is kiss ass."

"Cram it Lorrie," He said, packing what little he'd gotten out through the night back into his backpack. "Just give the man his food."

"I'm not feeding him."

"Mates do it all the time."

"He's not my pet."

"Just feed him."

Against my will, I rose. In my hands, I carried the small bag of berries and bread for him. As slowly as possible, I seated myself near his legs. When I reached into the bag, he levelled me with an intense stare. "I'm not having it."

We didn't have to generously bestow it upon him.

"Oh look, the Alpha's turning his nose up at poor people food. What a surprise!"

He growled at me. "I'm not having it because you're having it."

My fingers paused. "I don't understand."

"You're tiny, Lorrie. You don't eat enough. I want you to have it."

Again with the being tiny. If I weren't physically perfect for him, why couldn't he just accept that we weren't mates? He could easily go out and find someone taller with a little more meat on their bones. I'd never eaten more than I had to. I lived off as few things as I could. That way, when you have less, you don't struggle so much with the loss.

"I'm not hungry."

"You're having it."

He couldn't make me.

Knowing he wasn't going to like this, I cleared my throat and turned to the one person in our group I could trust to always be hungry. Unlike Igor and Trish, he wouldn't cut his nose off to spite his face just to help the Alpha out. "Hey Pete? Still hungry?"

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