Chapter Thirty

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In the shower, I thought through my problems and the ramifications of said problems. The plan had been for Aidan to never find out about my Alpha gene. At least not until I planned to use it against him to get myself away. Now, I'd have to come up with something new. I'd no doubt have to deal with his emotions and that other sappy stuff that came from secret keeping too.

Then there was the issue of coming up with a new plan. The Ranger had spilt the truth about my gene, practically tricking me into spilling my plan. So now, the Alpha knew why I was keeping it a secret. Not good.

I had too much to think over.

Above all that, there was the matter of what this could mean. What other revelations this could bring along. Because now, the Alpha knew about my Alpha gene. Since my Mother clearly didn't have it, it didn't take a genius to connect the dots and realise my Father must've been an Alpha. A smart person could figure out a great deal with such a small piece of information.

Never had I relied so much on an Alpha's stupidity in my life.

Then I had another issue to deal with. Well, two. I had to decide what to do with Igor. Did I let it slide that he'd been sniffing around my mate's room, or did I store that knowledge somewhere for later?

The chances of me forgetting about it were high.

And then there was a much more pressing issue. My skin. Even with the water on cold, I was hot, itchy and bothered. Not everywhere in general. Just certain places.

Groaning, I pressed a finger between my legs. I was wet, soaking actually. A voice in the back of my mind told me what was happening, but I refused to believe it.

It was too soon. Much too soon for that.

So I pressed another finger between my legs and closed my eyes, the pad of my index finger rolled across my clit, easing absolutely nothing. My touch wasn't going to make a difference.

Not today. Not in these matters.

Groaning, I moved to rest my head against the wall tiles.

And then I heard a door open. I scented the air. Ashy, woodsy, pinecone.

The Alpha was in my room. He shut the door, and then the rustling sounds started. Truly, I couldn't complain. It would be hypocritical of me to moan about him breaching my privacy. I'd done the exact same thing to him earlier. Only I wasn't expecting him near me so soon. I thought he'd go back to his lodgings and smash things around for a bit. Burn off some of that anger, y'know.

Maybe he was waiting to use me as a ragdoll. You could never be too sure.

Hurriedly, I wrapped my towel around myself, peering into the mirror. My healing had kicked in big time since earlier. The bruises left by our foreheads smashing were starting to disappear, but nothing would excuse the growing red colour of my cheeks.

The signs were all there.

Too soon.

I pretended not to notice it, nodded to myself, then slowly twisted the bathroom door. On the other side, he sat on my preferred side of the bed, a tiny little box in his hand. He twisted it this way and that, looking at the ring that sat on the inside. It was the heirloom that I'd stolen. The one that allegedly belonged to me.

He held it up to the light, the diamond sparkling all the colours of the rainbow.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Don't," He said tonelessly. "Not right now."

Naturally, he was in a bad mood. I'd be stupid to expect something different. He was sick of the lies and everything else that followed me like magnets.

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