Chapter Thirty-Seven

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My eyes trailed across Alpha Diego in curiosity. Often, I found that evil people didn't look evil, contrary to common belief. There was no truly defining factor. Take for example Igor who was losing the plot at this very moment. His dark hair alluded towards nothing, nor did his pale skin. Or me. Despite my golden hair being uneven and my blue eyes being unusually harsh, you didn't look at me and know something was wrong.

Alpha Diego was an anomaly. There was something unsettling about his appearance, despite its apparent lack of a flaw. Really, he was quite beautiful. His skin was smooth, his hair soft and tufty. He just looked- I don't know- unsettling.

There was something about him that seemed wrong. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

There were two seats laid out across from the Alpha and his nervous looking Luna, who I found to be quite beautiful too. As discussed, we ignored one of them. I went so far as to giggle when Aidan dragged me into his lap, my legs sitting across his in a way that I could see both him and our lovely hosts for the evening.

They watched us with curiosity.

"Alpha Diego, Luna Amy, this is my mate and Luna Lorelei." I smiled politely, though on the inside, I longed to grimace. "She prefers Lorrie."

Keeping up appearances, I gave the nicest smile I could muster. I was sure it looked painful and out of place on my face. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And you," The woman smiled. She didn't have that same chilling feel her mate had. She was pretty, with long dark hair and kind eyes, She seemed out of place in here. I had a feeling this was going to be one of those times where I was right. These two seemed like a visual representation of how mate bonds weren't always right. "Aidan's told me all about you both on the walk over here," I lied. "The car broke down and-" Maybe I should've been born an actor, rather than an Alpha destined to be kicked from her pack and made a rogue. The whole lying thing had always been my forte. I was so good I managed a lip wobble. "But Aidan was so good. You should've seen him. Blimey the muscles on that man."

I laid my head to rest on his chest beneath his chin. I knew- thus far- he approved.

"You seem very in love," Amy said with a soft smile. Her mate didn't even seem to be paying attention. His eyes were on the server behind us. In them, I saw death.

Aidan placed a chaste kiss against my head, holding me a little tighter. "I've never loved anyone as much as I love my Lorelei."

It was probably part of the act, but I knew for sure that was what had my heart beating faster. No one had ever loved me before. I couldn't help but wonder what it'd feel like to be loved by this man. Secretly, I wondered what it felt like to love someone. To be in love. Sure, I liked people, but I'd never known love.

"Mmm hmm, super-duper in love. Just look at us." Amy smiled. Something about her gaze seemed longing. I tried hard not to stiffen up, believing she was eyeing up Aidan. I relaxed again when I caught on. She was eyeing up the concept of us. The image of what we were showing. We looked like a happy, trouble free couple. Under a less pressing situation, I could've assured her we were quite the opposite.

"What about you though?" I asked. "You must be super happy."

She worried her lip but never got to answer. By the time her mouth had opened and she'd gathered her words, Alpha Diego was re-entering the conversation. He didn't entirely seem present. Maybe he had better things to do. After all, our arrival hadn't been expected.

"How long do you think you'll need to stay here for, Alpha Aidan?"

"Not too long, I hope. I called my pack this morning. They said they'll get fresh transport out to us as soon as possible. We had a rogue problem a couple months back." I felt a subtle squeeze on my waist. No doubt I was the rogue problem. Look at him- they always blame the pretty one. "Things have been a little hectic since."

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