Chapter 1

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- Your smile lights up the room just like it does to my heart when I see you -

Chaeyoung POV

The first day of the rest of my life starts here, I take a deep breath before entering the big glass doors, starting my new job. After weeks of looking, I have finally landed a spot in an architecture company. They said my skills were perfect for designing the exterior and interior of buildings, houses, and what-nots since my taste was rather unique. As I walk through the halls, everyone seems to be so happy, having smiles on their faces just like mine, I think I'll fit in perfectly here.

Son Chaeyoung, 21 years old, and pretty short for my age. I assure you I have been drinking milk all my life, but nothing has worked. I didn't have many friends in highschool, well everyone knew me, but I didn't have close friends or even a best friend. I guess I was just one of those lonely popular kids with a handful of talent, a full heart, but no one to share it with. That's right, I've never been in a relationship before, but I really really want to be. All the little dates, the hand holding, the cheesiness, I want all of that.

I sometimes say, "Honey I'm home!" to my empty house as I come back from a day of work. Oh god, I'm just a hopeless romantic. Valentines are filled with gifting roses to people at work, sitting at home eating chocolate covered strawberries while watching romantic comedies, cuddling my stuffed tiger.

But now that I'm in a new setting, maybe, just maybe I'll find the one.

- - -

"Hello! I'm Son Chaeyoung!" I report to the office. "Welcome Chaeyoung! We are so glad to have you work with us, your creative ideas, unique taste, and amazing art skills are all out of this world!" The director said and I beamed. "Thank you so much." I bow. "We have a project that we would like you to work on." He said as he got up out of his seat, "I know this may seem so fast and it's okay if you don't want to start so early, but we could really use your expertise." I shake my head, "No no, I would love to be a part of this project." I smiled, and it was true, I cannot wait to get to work and meet new people. "Great! This way then." He says and leads me to the elevator and presses level ten.

"This project is for a rich CEO from Japan, she is looking to build a building here to expand her company. There will be two parts to this project which will be building the building, of course, and house for her to stay in while everything gets settled." He explains. "The first priority is the house, it isn't being built from scratch but to be renovated to her taste. We will start with discussing the exterior design with a meeting today at 17:00/5:00pm, she won't be able to make it so she sent some ideas and we will talk about how it will go through." He says and the elevator dings. "You will be working with two of our employers, Chou Tzuyu and Kim Dahyun,'' he says and points to two ladies sitting on opposite sides of each other on their computers. "Dahyun, Tzuyu! Your new member is here." He says calling the over. "Hello! I'm Kim Dahyun, the head construction manager on this project. I'm excited to work with you!" She smiles and bows, I bow back. "Hey, I'm Chou Tzuyu, the lead engineer on this project." She holds her hand out for a hand shake, but I hesitate to take it. Tzuyu laughs, "I don't bite." She chuckles, "Yeah, she's as soft as a teddy bear." Dahyun says teasingly, "Ya!" Tzuyu hits her shoulder. "Okay, I'll leave you all to it, remember we have a meeting at 5!" The director says and walks back to the elevator. "Bye Jinyoung!" Dahyun and Tzuyu speak in usion. (A/N: No it's not JYP (JayWhyPee Oppar) , it's Jinyoung for GOT7 haha)

"Okay so what's up first?" I ask ready to get started. "We've been looking over the plans the CEO sent over, so you can take a look at that before the meeting, maybe start on some ideas." Dahyun says. "Don't worry, it'll be fun!." Tzuyu says and pats my back.

Time goes by and we get to know each other more while working. Dahyun is pretty cheerful, funny, and short, kind of like me, Tzuyu makes fun of us for that. Some of her hobbies included binge eating chocolate and dancing which was pretty cool. She showed us her famous eagle move and it made me laugh so hard I couldn't breath for a few seconds.  Though, Tzuyu is like the complete opposite, she's kind of dark, not as humorous, and tall. But we bonded over her love of dogs and and familiarity with Star Wars.

We gave ourselves a nickname, the School Meal Club, since we were the lonely populars in school, eating lunch alone, never having been in a club before.

I think we will get along quite well.

- - - - -

Heyo, guess who! Haha, just kidding, it's Pengu. I have been really busy with school and stuff, so I'm sorry if I don't post as much. It seems as if the trio have been enjoying each other's company, maybe it will turn into an everlasting friendship? Or maybe romance? Stay tuned for the next chapters ! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! - Pengu <3

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