Chapter 28

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- My love for you is in the sky, I put with the clouds, so whenever I look up, I think of you -

Mina POV

I stepped onto the carpet floor and sat down in the beige leather seat, the last time I left, it was for pain and unhappiness and to leave everything that made me smile behind. But now, that smile will stay on my face, goodbye Chaengie, I love you and I'll wait for you.

I'm looking above the clouds, the sun smiling back, I chuckle to myself as we fly through the settling sky.

- - -

"Ms. Mina!" Someone calls my name, "Emiko?" A short girl with brunette hair quickly came walking up to me. "Ms. Mina." She gasped for air, "What are you doing here?" I asked, wondering why she was here and not at the building, "I-I came to pick you up." I smiled, "Thank you Emiko, but you didn't have to." I put my hand on her shoulder as to say thank you and she started blushing? "O-of course Ms. Mina, couldn't let my favorite boss come back without a warm welcome!" Her gummy smile appeared.

- - -

"So how was Korea Ms. Mina?" She asked while driving the car, "It was great." I giggled to myself, after all, I did get to see the person I love the most. "It does look like you had a good time, you've been in an upbeat mood ever since you landed. Did anything special happen?" She asked but the rain was starting to take over my attention, "Oh it's starting to rain." I whisper, tracing the droplets that glide down the window. "Good thing I picked you up Ms. Mina." I could feel her gaze checking up on me.

"I have a spare umbrella in the back, wait here." She said rushing out of the car to the trunk, at this point it was pouring. The sound of the pattering rain hitting the floor was always more than satisfying. She opened the car door, "Here Ms. Mina!" She gave me the umbrella and ran off into the building, her hands the only coverage to shield her from the cold rain. "Oh." I was confused as to why she didn't share the umbrella with me, she could get sick from running in the rain.

Three Months Later

I sigh exhausted from the late nights I've spent at the office. I needed to go out, I picked up my phone and dialed someone's number, "What's up bestie." He answered, I laughed, "Want to go out tonight? You, me, and Jackson." I offered and he yelled, squealed almost, "Yes! Finally, the penguin has come out of her cave. Where do you want to go?" He asked, excited. I smirked, "How about a bar? I think I need some alcohol tonight." There was silence on the other end, "Myoui Mina, who are you." His remark made me laugh, "Okay, I'll text you the address! Go change into something nice, I love you, bye!" He said quickly and then ended the call. Am I not dressed up nicely? I looked at my formal attire, I guess not I chuckled.

Chaeyoung POV

I let out a breathy sigh, placing my head in the palms of my hands, ever since she showed up again, her name started to appear everywhere. "Chae, you good?" Tzuyu patted me on the back. "Y-yeah." I lied. "It's okay to take a break Chaengie, we know you're really stressed with work and planning the wedding." Dahyun gave a reassuring smile.

The wedding.

Am I having second thoughts? No, I-I'm not...right? It's just pre-wedding jitters, it'll go away quickly. "Chaeyoung?" Dahyun called out my name, "Huh?" I responded, "Are you okay, you're been spacing out." I nodded, "I'm fine, don't worry." But saying that seemed to worry them even more.

I pick at my salad, glancing at the hazel colored drink next to me, Mina likes americanos, wait what? Why would I be thinking of her? "Chaeyoung!" Someone slapped my shoulder, "Hey, what was that for?!" I crossed my arms, "We were called to you like one-millin times! What's on your mind?" Dahyun scolded. I shrugged, "I-I don't really know."

"Is it Mina?" Tzuyu asked bluntly and Dahyun slapped her shoulder. "What?" Tzuyu mouthed and Dahyun's eyes seemed to say, "What the heck is your problem!"

"Ever since she left you've been in this slumping mood Chae, what's wrong?" Tzuyu sat down next to me." I sighed, shaking my head, "I'm mad a-and confused a-and I really don't know what to do!" I plop my head on the table and Tzuyu puts her hand on my back. "What are you confused and mad about?" She starts rubbing it, but I quickly sit up, "How dare she! How dare come back, how dare she come wanting to be with me after all this time, I-" I lost my words, "Are you talking about Mina-unnie?" Dahyun asked, joining us at the table. "Yeah...I just don't know what to say or feel." I let out a weak smile.

" you like her?" Tzuyu asked and once again Dahyun gave her a deathly glance, "I don't know, b-but I feel like I do." I admit but then grumble, "How dare she make me miss the feeling of her hand in mine, how her sweet aroma wafts through each room, how dare she make me remember the past smiles and laughters and the times...the times when I was truly happy..."My tone got softer and softer until I got to the end of the sentence. I look up to see their smiles. "Why are you two smiling?" I asked and they laughed. "Chaeng you really are quite the poet." Tzuyu laughed and I covered my mouth, "Did I say that outloud?" My outburst really just exposed my true feelings.

"Go to her Chaeng, I bet you she's waiting for you, I bet she misses your embrace as well." Tzuyu winks and I hit her shoulder. She winces but keeps her smile, "Okay." My smile came back, I'm coming for you Mina, I take everything back...I love you.

- - - - -

Hey, it's Pengu! I love toying with you all know the ride isn't over yet hehe. A new love interest? A fork in the road? Death maybe??? The possibilities are endless, but don't worry, there will be no dying here because I will be really sad and yeah so...until next time!! Love you all! Stay safe! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! - Pengu <33

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