Chapter 21

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- You're the scar in my heart, although receiving the wound hurt, it's a reminder of the wonderful past we had together...-

Mina POV

I look out the window, just me, the clouds, and my empty heart. I know I shouldn't feel like this, I shouldn't feel sad, I shouldn't feel emotions, but it was all my fault, everything is my fault. I shouldn't have left Japan, I shouldn't have strayed from my job, and...I shouldn't have married Son Chaeyoung, because in the turned out to be unending chaos filled with broken love lines and lakes full of tears.

I look at my hand, the ring on my finger, I lightly chuckle to myself. I don't deserve love, I take off the ring and put it in my pocket.

I really hope you hate me, I really hope those tears are wiped away, I really hope that all the pain that I have caused her vanishes. If I had one wish right now, it would be for all your agony to be transferred to me, I deserve it. Although I would wish for us to be together, the universe is against our love and would find a way to pull us apart.

Maybe one day, you will forgive me Chaeyoung, maybe when that one day comes, we could be friends.

- - -

"What the frick Mina!" Sana yelled through the phone, I stayed silent. I know, everytime I leave, there is a trail of misery following behind. "You broke her heart Mina, why? Is it because you want others to feel how you felt back then?" Sana asked, frustration in her tone, "No." I simply say, I had no time for this. Talking or thinking of Chaeyoung now brought up painful memories I wish to keep in the past. "I have to go Sana." I say hovering my thumb over the hang up button, "Myoui Mina don't you dare hang u-" I sigh, putting my phone on my desk.

It's been a week since I got to Japan. I've been surrounded with endless work which kept my mind occupied and prevented it from going...elsewhere. We managed to control part of the business scam situation, all while preventing anything from going public. My phone has been blowing up with messages and calls from Momo, Sana, and sometimes Dahyun. Maybe I should get a new number.

Chaeyoung POV

Why Mina why? I sit against my bed, staring at the blank wall. Everything was better than fine, everything was perfect, everything was the best when she was by my side. My heart hurts, no, it doesn't just hurt. The warm feeling of wholeness evaporated from my skeleton, the blood pumping to my chest ran cold, I shivered. Laying on the ground, eyes still trained on the wall, her smile...that's all I could think about. I lost everything the moment she left, she's the one who bruised me the most, but why, why Mina, why do I still love you?

Your coldness warmed me when we first met Minari, you were different from anyone else. I guess what I said was true, opposites do attract...I guess you could say that there was a mistake with these two opposites, but I disagree. We were meant to meet and we did, it was my fault she lost her magnetism. Even though you did something you said you would never do, even though you shattered my heart into millions of pieces, I still miss you and...I still love you. 

"Hey Chae, how are you?" Sana comes in and I sit up, "Great! Besides the empty whole in my heart, aching headaches that long for her hand in mine, and overwhelming sadness from her leaving. How are you?" I say sarcastically, with a painful smile. "I'm so sorry Chaeyoung, I don't know what happened, she's never like this." I shrug, it doesn't matter anymore, she's gone, "Maybe she's scared." Sana said and I turned my head in confusion. "Maybe she's just afraid to tell you how she feels because of what happened last time." I shake my head, "No, it's just one sided love, I love her and she doesn't like me back, she said it herself, everything was fake." I lean my head against the bed. "Well, may-maybe-" I stop her, "It's okay Sana, you don't have to find false excuses to make me feel better, I'll be fine." I say, "I'll be fine" those words were a lie, just like her. She was a lie I wished was true.

"Okay, but to cheer you up, I brought a friend?" She says, leaving the room. "Chaeyoungie, are you okay?" A small voice says. "Yeri." I smile.

- - -

"Let's go out!" Yeri rips the blanket off my body. "It's coldddd." I whine trying to take the blanket back. "Son Chaeyoung, get your butt out of bed." She pulls my arm, "Son Chaeyoung? Who's that?" I ask, half asleep. "Ah!" She managed to pull me off the bed. "Chaengie, if you don't get up...I'll have to kiss you." she whispers, "Okay! I'm up!" I jolt out of bed, going to the bathroom to start my morning routine. She can't kiss me, my lips are saved for my someone special.

It's been a week since she left and I'm slowly getting better, well, slowly is an overstatement. Yeri drags me out everyday, trying to get me back on my feet, but they just won't budge. Nevertheless when those words, "It was all fake." suddenly ring in my ears, I start to run miles. But then I remember the laughs, the hugs, the near kisses and my legs become jelly.

I look in the mirror, my reflection is not what it used to be. I don't recognize her, those dark brown pupils that stare back seem empty and I know the only way to fill it is impossible.

- - - - - 

Hey, it's Pengu, how does it feel to witness this heartbreak? Don't worry, there's more where that came from! Umm...wait I mean...hehe, jkjk of course...Anyways! Although it was pretty short I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you all so much for over 5k reads, it really makes my day to see people reading my writing. Also, don't be afraid to drop a comment! I love talking and seeing all of your reactions hehe. Until next time! - Pengu <3

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