Chapter 30

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- When I see you, I fall in love, when I think of you, I fall in love, but when I'm with you...I dive into love -

Chaeyoung POV

"Chaeyoung, what are you doing here?" She asked, her hands on my shoulders, "I-I don't how really know how to explain it, but one minute I'm in Seoul and the next I'm in Osaka and it might not make sense to you, but to me, it made perfect sense because...well because...I...I don't think it does anymore. I should go, goodbye Minari." I broke away from her grasp, the one thing I wanted was right in front of me, I could've taken it, I'm so stupid. I'm an idiot, one step further, I slowly walk away.

"I love you." My mind is playing tricks on me, there is no time for that. "I love you, Son Chaeyoung." I stopped, time stopped, everything stopped. "I have finally realized that you are the best thing that happened to me, I love who I am when I am with you, and I love you. So, even if you're leaving again, even if you're going back to Somi, just know that I'll always be here waiting. Because...oh god Chaeng...I love you so, so much." I turned around to see her smiling with tears shedding down her cheek.

I smiled and this time I was running, she held my neck, pulling me in. I tilt my head, pushing her closer, our kiss was long overdue. I missed everything about her and finally, with this kiss, I had it all, her scent filled the air, her warm touch brushing up against mine, her lips, those lips. The ones I would always secretly glance at, the ones I would only dream of meeting with mine...and it was worth the wait.

Euphoria...that was the club's name right? It may be, but my euphoria was right in front of me, it was that sweet elation that one would always long for, Myoui Mina, you are my paradise.

We pull away, gasping for air, "I love you too." She leaned her head on my chest, my heart was beating rapidly. I felt like it was going to pop, "B-but what about Bambam?" I asked and she softly chuckled and looked up, "He's actually a really good guy and he has a boyfriend, Jackson, the photographer." We looked back at the entrance of the club to see the both of them, "Woohoo!!" They cheered loudly and we laughed together.

Turning back to each other, she asks, "How about Somi?" Oh shoot, I forgot about her, "Um, I'll take care of her another time." She pulled away, "What do you mean another time." She looked confused, "Well, uh, I kind of dropped everything and left." I blushed, "Son Chaeyoung, you better deal with her." She playfully slapped me and I smiled, "But you dropped everything for me?" She pulled me in once again.

Mina POV

Her lips appeared closer and closer, I closed my eyes to feel the same ecstatic feeling as before, "Of course, it's you, it's always been you, my rose." She whispered before our lips met once again. I was fully sober now, as soon as I saw her, everything was perfectly clear, but once our lips touched, I was up in the sky but it was night time, the stars were out and I was at the ocean, I looked to my left and there she was, my other half, my love, my utopia.

"So that story in the car about that girl, that was me?" I asked, Chaeyoung you surprise me every single minute, "Of course my Mina, you are my first love and my last." I smiled, a smile filled to the brim with happiness.

My heart was fluttering, it felt weightless like a feather just gliding through the clouds. It was that warm feeling, her lips, like your favorite meal or the addicting smell of your favorite scent. Her lips were my new addiction, her presence was my new addiction, Chaeyoung, loving her was my new addiction.

- - -

We returned to my house after saying bye to Jackson and Bambam. We sat on the balcony, facing the moon, thoughts surfing the air in silence, I smiled, I'm happy. "I'm now realizing that I may be the waves and you are my precious moon...because...I'll always come back to you." A pair of arms wrapped around my shoulder, hugging me. I look up to her, her eyes set on the floating white orb in the distance, "I love you Chaeng."

"My Minari, I love you too."

Is this what I've been yearning for? Yes, I love this, I love the moment, and I love that I'm in the arms of Son Chaeyoung. I've found my home and I don't intend on moving ever again, I found my safe space and I don't intend on changing corners, I found the love of my life and I don't, no, I can't change, I refuse to love another person other than my Chaeyoung...for now.

We fall onto the bed, smiling, she pins me down. "My angel, you look breathtaking." I giggle and she sends kisses leading down from my jawline to my chest... know what happens next...

- - - - -

Hii! It's Pengu hehe, sorry for yesterday. Update if anyone was curious, I honestly feel so much better, don't let anything/anyone stop you from your road to happiness okay, you deserve it, those tears, those anxious moments, don't waste them on things that hurt, use them for things that make you feel like a queen/king or a boss ass bish 😊👑😎

So michaeng huh, happy endings are the best and this ending isn't over yet, the happiness will keep on coming for the lovely couple, marriage, family, life, they will go through it all together. I love you all and thanks for reading, don't be afraid to comment any reactions! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! - Pengu <333

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