Chapter 10

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- No matter how far I am away from you, I always find myself running back into your arms -

Chaeyoung POV

"Minari!" I spot her coming out of the building with a man. "Minari?" I whisper, I see them stop in front of the building, him grabbing for her hand. She tries to pull away, "Please stop Bam" I can hear Mina say as I run up to them. "Hey! She said stop." I say standing next to Mina and he smirks. "Do you know her Mina?" He asks. "N-no." She looks at me with emotionless eyes, but they seem to say, "please go".

"She's my girlfriend." I say standing my ground taking his hand off hers. "So please get you dirty hands off her." I say and he just laughs. "Are you out of your mind? Do you know who I am?" He asks and I shrug. "I don't know, nor do I care, and if you're done whining you can leave now." I say smiling.

He scoffs, "Fine, but we aren't done." He looks at Mina then leans to whisper in her ear. I couldn't hear what he said but it felt like something that would bother her for some time. "Whew, glad I came when I did. I feel like a superhero." I say smiling. "Are you alright?" I ask. I didn't realize that we were still holding hands until she took hers out of mine, "What are you doing here Chaeyoung?" She asks, her aura cold. "I came to surprise you and take you out to dinner." I said.

"I can't today Chaeyoung." She says walking to the car parked in front. "Mina, wait." I call and she turns around, "Did I do something wrong?" I ask, stepping closer. "Please Chaeyoung, I'm busy." She turns around reaching for the car door handle. "Mina." I called again. "And please call before coming over, good night Chaeyoung." She says entering the car leaving me standing alone.

I don't understand, everything was going so well. Did I do something wrong? She was ignoring every question I asked. I sigh to myself and look at the sky, "why?" I ask. I walk back home and it starts to rain. I chuckle to myself because of the clicheness that is happening right now.

I swipe the card and enter the room drenched in rain water. "Chae!" Dahyun rushes over. "You're all wet! Momo get a towel please!" Dahyun says guiding me to the couch. "What happened?" She asked, concerned. "I forgot an umbrella." I say, shivering from the coldness that reached my warm skin. "Here." Momo said, handing Dahyun a towel and then taking a seat next to her. "Aren't you supposed to be having dinner with Mina?" Momo asked. "Yeah, but she said she was busy."

Momo looked a bit confused for a second which made me want to ask if Mina was actually busy, but I didn't get the chance because Tzuyu and Sana came stumbling in. They were laughing and giggling until they saw me with a towel around my back and Momo and Dahyun by my side. Sana rushed over and knelt down before me.

"Chaeyoung are you okay?!" She asked, worriedly. "I'm fine Sana." I say giving a fake smile. "What the heck happened?" Tzuyu asked. "I just forgot my umbrella, that's it." I said, looking up, still shivering from the rain. "Idiot." Tzuyu mumbled and Sana went to go hit Tzuyu, "Chae is not an idiot." Sana said. "Sorry." Tzuyu immediately apologized. I laughed, "Whipped." Tzuyu looked at me with a betrayed face, "I-I'm not whipped, Sana, tell her!" Tzuyu whined. "Well..." Sana thought for a moment. "Sana!!" Tzuyu groaned. Sana giggles and patted Tzuyu on the head, "It's okay my puppy, at least you're whipped for me." She giggled once again.

They were in their own lovely world and it made me think about Mina, how her perfect smile graced me with it's appearance every once in a while but then quickly went away just as it came. It was a push and pull, she was a push and pull. One minute she's as fluffy as newly toasted marshmallow, but then a minute later, she's cold as ice, sharp and bitter. I sigh and get up.

- - -

It's been a month since we've talked and this might be weird to say, but I miss her smiles, her cold glares, her sweet giggles, and her sternness. I've been hanging out with Yeri a lot and it's been super fun. She tells me that she's a part of this singing group in Korea called Red Velvet. I haven't heard of them, but once Yeri told me about her work, I immediately became their new fan. Sana and Tzuyu spent the rest of their time together, mostly Sana showing Tzuyu around Japan and as for Momo and Dahyun, they spent their days going on picnics and cheesy dates. Sometimes I wish I weren't single...

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