Chapter 24

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- Shattered glass that once sprayed the floor picked itself back up, I finally see the complete mosaic, and it's you -

Mina POV

"Bambam." I say his name with great disgust, "Ah." He laughs, "I've always wanted to say that!" he gets up off my chair and sits himself on the couch. "What are you doing here." I say, putting my defenses up, ready to shoot him for every wrong move or word he says. "I heard you and Chaeyoung broke up." He crosses his arms and smiles, "So what, are you here to comfort me and win me back or something?" He really annoyed me.

"First one yes, second one no." His words surprised me, "What happened to "you will be mine"?" I say in a deep voice, trying to mimic his. "Hey, that does sound like me." How is he smiling after all this time, how is he happy and upbeat when I literally rejected him almost fifty times. "Come on Bambam, what are you doing here." I was getting tired, from visiting the first place she made me smile, to having the reminder that she is gone, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Mina." He says and for once it seems like his voice was, sweet? "What." I said monotonously. "Mina." He says again, now I might punch him. "What!" I ask. "You are an idiot." He says and I look his way, imagining daggers thrown at him. "I'm not a mirror you jerk." I say, arguing back. "For a CEO and one of the richest people in the world, you really are a dumb dumb." He says, closing his eyes while laying on the.

I grumble, hitting him, "Hey!" He yelps, "If you came to insult me, you could leave, I don't need your childish behavior in my office right now." I scold him, pushing him out. "Mina, stop." He says, calmly. "What did you say?" I ask, I really hate this man right now.

"Sit down." He orders and I obey, why did I obey? "Let me tell you something, after I went to your building, I'm sorry for that by the way, I bumped into someone." He pauses and I nod, mostly because I didn't know what to say. "We went out for coffee and I don't know how or why but being with him really calmed me. He was really funny and cool and happy and we soon became friends, but after a while, a small voice kept saying that I wanted to be more than that, so I told him and prepared for heartbreak. But it never came, he said he liked me back and that's when I found something that made me happy. I intend to never lose him." Bambam tells me his story and I felt happy for him, happy that for once he found someone to love him back. "What's his name?" I ask, "Jackson."

"Like my photographer Jackson?!" I gasped in surprise, "Yes, so when he told me that he had an emergency shoot because someone by the name Myoui Mina fired her new photographer, I started asking around why you were in Japan and not in Korea with your girlfriend. When I found out you two broke up I had to see you." He finished, "To taunt me?" I asked, "No, the opposite." He says, joining me on the couch. "Mina, the way she looked at you, wanting to protect you with all she had even if she didn't have much and the way you looked at her, wanting her to leave before she got hurt. You loved her didn't you." The hard truth was let out in the open, it hasn't been said out loud before, only swimming with the thoughts in my brain.

A tear trickled down my cheek, I started to hiccup as more and more tears joined each other, sliding down my face. I buried my head in Bambam's chest as he patted my back. Why didn't I realize this? Bambam wasn't rude or mean, I made him this way when I kept rejecting him, I should've seen him more, I should've paid attention to his actions more. He used to give me flowers and hugs, but I would brush them off, I wasn't interested. I ended it because I didn't care for his clinginess and I didn't bother to stop him but just led him on, he became heartbroken and tried to win me back, "I'm sorry Bambam, I'm so sorry, I was really mean to you and I led you on and I'm really really sorry." He hugs me, whispering, "It's alright, I forgive you, it's all in the past now."

I look up at him and he smiles, putting his arm around my shoulder, he says, "So tell me about her." I took a deep breath because knowing the words that will come out of my mouth were going to be painful.

"Oh, where to start, Chaeyoung was my moon." I tell him about my sweet but aching memories. "It seems like you really did love her." He whispers when I finish my story, I nod, tears leaving my eyes "So what's stopping you from getting her back?" He asks, "She doesn't want to see me." I say, a burn scared my heart. "How can you be so sure?" He asks another question, "Were you not listening to the story?" I almost whacked him.

"I was, I was, you made the wrong call at the worst time possible, severed your friendship with your closest friends, and now live unloved and in misery." He summarizes it all, "Jeez, you didn't have to say it like that." But he wasn't wrong.

"What do I do Bam?" I snuggle closer to him, "Go to her." He says, but I shake my head, "I screwed up and she probably doesn't want to see me again, oh my god Bam, I did what I said I would never do." The tears resumed from falling, "I crushed her heart and made her pick up the remains, Sana said I broke her heart and I can't imagine how much pain she was in. I-I can't Bam, I d-don't know what to do, I feel so bad, why does it feel like this?" I realized the difference between this heartbreak and my heartbreak in the past. Jeongyeon left for the lady she loved, but I, I was a coward, scared of how to love my lady.

"I'm a horrible person, I don't deserve to be loved." I say and Bambam whacks my head, "Hey! What was that for." I was about to hit him back but, "You think you don't deserve to be loved but what about Chaeyoung? She deserves to be loved, stop being so selfish, look at all the things she did for you while your head was in a bunch of papers! She loved you Mina and you love her but didn't show it, so what are you waiting for!" He pushes me up off the couch, "You're right." I stand up, "Wait, wait, but what if she won't talk to me." I sniff and sit back down but Bambam nudges me off, "Get your ass out of this office and on the first flight back to Korea." He points to the door and I nod. "C-can you come with me?" I ask, I don't think I can do this alone, "Of course, I'll bring Jackson along and it will be a fun vacation." He pumped his fist in the air. Oh great, looks like I'm going to be third-wheeling, but I don't mind.

Chaeng there are many words that need to be said and you may never forgive me, I made a huge mistake and chose the wrong path but I want to make it right.

Chaeyoung POV

"It's good that you're moving on." Tzuyu's words repeat themselves and I look at the bouquet of flowers in my hand. Moving on, I chuckle, what a wild journey. I still remember every detail from the moment we met, to the moment she left. I remember kneeling on my knees, clutching my heart, tears cascading, whispering Mina's name, but she couldn't hear me. I woke up in a hospital from fainting, Sana, Tzuyu, Dahyun, and Momo looked so worried, I didn't want them to feel that way so I got back on my feet for them.

So moving on? Will I ever move on after she engraved a scar on my heart?

I hope that she's happy, we went our separate ways and although separate paths may one day cross I'll be ready.

"Chaenggg!" A loud voice came closer, "Hey Yeri." I give her the flowers and she sniffs them. "Mmm, these are perfect, thank you Chae." I smile, "Is that all?" I ask and she sighs, "Fine, I'll give you a hug." She wraps her arms around me and I grin, "I meant that you should pay me but I'll let you go this time." I joke, our arms still entangled with each other. "Hehe Chaengie, I love youuu." She whispers, "I love you to-" From across the street I could see someone, they quickly turned around, but I already saw their face.

Her long black hair flapping in the evening breeze, she was walking away, "I-I got to go Yeri, but good luck!" I yell back at her, my feet picking up it's pace trying to catch up.

"Mina!" I called in the open air. She turned, I think I need glasses because time slowed, her hair flared in slow motion, I let out deep breaths from running.

I thought I'd never see you again.

- - - - -

Hey it's Pengu hehe. They meet again! Whoa, who would've thought that they would see each other again in this Michaeng ff, hmm. Do you think Mina will win Chaeyoung back? Do you think Chaeyoung will award her the medal of her heart? Maybe, who knows? Only time will tell!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! - Pengu <333

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