Chapter Two✓

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Oh gosh, what have I done?

Did I seriously just smash a cupcake in Cage Trevor's face?

Oh my gosh, I did!

I have never panicked like that ever. Not when Cage first kissed me, not when we slept together, not when I found out I was pregnant.


I'm sitting in the car park in front of the boys' elementary school. My head is resting on the steering wheel of my car and my eyes are squeezed shut. I hope he's gone by the time I get back. I don't even want to know what he has to say after what I just did.

I wonder if he liked the cupcake?

That's not the point Rory!

You smashed a cupcake in Cage Trevor's face.

Your children's father's face.

Oh, my gosh.

What is he doing back?

He didn't come back last year. What am I even going to say when he catches sight of the twins? I never told him that he got me pregnant. I didn't have his number at the time, but still, there were ways to get into contact with him, like getting his number from his best friend Xavier. Once again, the guilt of not telling him causes a sharp pain in my heart. I rub at it, hoping to soothe the ache.

How will he even react to finding out he's a father? That's if he doesn't already know, and that's why he showed up today.

He's not going to take me to court and fight me for full custody of them, right?

I feel an even sharper pain in my heart at even the mere thought of my boys being taken away from me. I wouldn't be able to survive without them. Kohl and Knox are my entire world. I would do anything for those boys. Besides, I'm the one that raised them. I'm the one that was up all through the night feeding them and rocking them back to sleep. I'm the one who witnessed the first time they crawled, walked, and their first day of school.

I sigh, knowing that my true fears aren't really from worrying that he's going to take the boys away from me. I'm worried that when he does find out, cause let's face it, he will since it's a small town. I'm worried he'll reject the boys when he finds out he's their father. I'm so scared about what that will do to them. I know the boys haven't mentioned their father or asked me anything about him, but that doesn't mean they aren't curious. I heard them talking one night, wondering who he was. It will crush them if their father wants nothing to do with them. Sometimes it's better not knowing than knowing. The boys aren't hurt now, and this has the potential to hurt them, and I can't stand that. I could never deal with it well when one of them got hurt. While others would see a simple scrape on their knee, I would see a crater that's pouring blood. Is it just because Knox and Kohl are my first children that it makes me over-analyze everything about them?

Or am I just an anxious parent?

I jump in my seat, startled when the back seat door goes flying open. Hearing one of my favorite sounds in the world, Kohl and Knox's laughter, I start to feel the tension in my shoulders and the pain in my heart leave instantly.

"Hey boys. How was school?" I ask them, turning around in my seat to look at them, standing by the door.

I catch them giving each other a should we ask Mom if we can look. I wait patiently for them to finish their silent debate and ask me.

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