Chapter Four✓

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I took Sam home early and promised he could come over tomorrow to make cupcakes. Kohl was upset that I did and Knox, well, I'm not sure. If he was, he didn't show it. I have a feeling he knew something was up with me. Like I was about to tell them something important.
We arrive at the house and Kohl gets out first and slams the backseat door. Rushing to the front door and slams that one too once he's inside.

I sigh, knowing he's going to be difficult to deal with the rest of the night.

Knox and I calmly get out of the car and go inside. I spot Kohl sitting on the couch and surfing the channels for something to watch.

"Can you turn that off, please? There's something I would like to talk to you both about." I sit down on the coffee table in front of the couch, so I'm facing him.

The whole ride home I've been debating on the best way to tell them. I figured sitting them down now and telling them was the best way.

Knox grabs the remote out of Kohl's hand and turns the TV off. That earns him a glare from his brother, but he ignores it and focuses his complete attention on me.

"Thank you. I wanted to talk to you about your father."

That caught Kohl's attention. He uncrosses his arms and sits up from his slouched position.

"What about him?" Kohl asks.

"I know you boys never asked me about him cause you were afraid it would be painful for me to talk about. The truth is, it wouldn't have been. I barely even knew your father. I was seventeen when I found out I was pregnant with the both of you. By the time I found out, your father was already away at college." I look between both of them and find them listening intently.

"So you never told him about us?" Knox asks this time.

"No, I was scared about what he would say. I was afraid he would tell me to get rid of you both. I couldn't bear the thought of doing that." I glance away, lost in thought. "So I just never told him, but he's in town and very much would like to get to know you both if that's what you want."

"Really?" They both say at the same time.

"Yes really. You know, the man you boys saw earlier. Cage? He's your father."

"No way! Cage Trevor is our dad? I wonder if he would teach us how to pitch like him. That would be so cool!" Kohl rambles on in excitement.

I look over to Knox and see he looks excited too, but also wary. Out of both the boys, he's going to be the more cautious one. It will probably take a bit for him to open to the idea of Cage being his father.

While Kohl takes everything in stride, Knox likes to sit back and observe and figure out all outcomes of every situation.

"How do you feel about all this, Knox? It is completely up to you boys when you want to meet your father." I place my hand on Knox's cheek and give him a motherly smile.

Just like that, all doubts that were swimming through Knox's mind go away. The only emotion in his eyes now is excitement.

"I'm excited. When do we get to meet him? Well, again, since we technically already met him," Knox says.

"Yeah, when do we, Mom?" Kohl was bouncing in his seat with excitement.

I know out of both the boys, Kohl was the one more curious about who their father was. I think it was because he's not like me the way Knox is, so he was curious if he was more like his father. Breaking the news didn't go as bad as I thought. If I'm being honest, I kind of thought they would get mad at me for not telling Cage about them. The boys are the most important people in my life. Their opinion of me is one I hold in high regard. Their opinion will always be the only one that matters to me. My parent's opinion coming in a close second. Knox and Kohl will always be my number one.

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