Chapter Thirty-four

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I arrive at Cage's house forty minutes later, very much confused as to what it could be that he asked me to come here for. I don't bother heading into the house, already knowing they are not there. Cage said they will be outside and by the fenced-in area near the barn. The closer I get the more assurance I get that I'm going in the right direction. I hear the sounds of the horse's hooves hitting the ground and Knox and Kohl's joyous laughter. The moment I spot them both up on the horses they named Socks and Dalmatian I feel myself start to get worried.

They could get thrown off and be severely injured.

Though I also really want to get a bunch of pictures of them and their smiles that are brighter than the sun could ever be.

"Rory!" I hear Cage yell for me and walk over to him.

"Hey," I say.

He pulls me into his arms and kisses me like he has been dying to do so all week, he's kissed me any chance he could so he's not that starved for a kiss. Though I don't hesitate to kiss him back just as enthusiastically. My hands glide over his chest and interlock behind his neck. One of his hands goes to the back of my hair, where he weaves his fingers in between my long chestnut brown locks. I get as close to him as humanly possible and sigh in pleasure.

I will never grow tired of the feeling of his lips pressed against mine or the way my body mold perfectly to his. He's like the last piece of the puzzle, and he gives me that puzzle is finally finished feeling. You know how you spend all of that time working getting all of the pieces in the right place and then comes the final piece?

You feel so relieved, proud, and happy all at the same time when you put that final piece into place

I feel so relieved now that boys' have their father in their life and that he's in mine, so proud to call him mine, and so happy about the memories we have created and the many more we will down the road.

We both pull back from the kiss to catch our breath, and he nuzzles my nose while our breathing returns to normal.

"I've missed you Sugar."

"You just saw me this morning," I stare into his gray-blue gaze, almost getting lost into their depths.

"I still missed you. I miss you anytime you're not right next to me like this," Cage tightens his arm around my waist as if to prove a point.

"Did you take pictures of Knox and Kohl riding?"

"No, I didn't."

At that, I pull out of his arms and stare him down with an annoyed glare. "Cage," I try to say in an annoyed tone but it comes out more like a whine.

"I'm just kidding Sugar, of course, I took pictures. You really think I wouldn't?"

"Maybe," I say looking down at the ground, I kick the dirt beneath my feet a bit with my boots.

Cage just laughs and pulls me back into his arms.

Knox and Kohl both come trotting over on their horses, with Catch right behind them on Rocket. Both look like they have done this all their lives, though have only been riding for a few hours at most. I never knew if they liked horses or not because they have never said anything about them before. I can assume now that they really do like them if they haven't in the past.

"Mom! Look at us! Isn't this so cool?" Kohl's face is practically glowing from how happy he is up on that saddle.

"So cool honey," I pull out my phone so I can take a few pictures of them both, then I send them off to my parents.

I also take a few of Catch, Knox, and Kohl so I could get them printed some time I know Catch would probably love having a photo of them altogether.

"Catch you want to take Knox and Kohl inside and make them something to eat? I'm sure they're starting to get hungry."

The Perfect Mistake✓ (Perfect #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon