Epilogue - Cage's POV✓

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Two years later...

Standing at the altar and waiting for Rory to walk down the aisle, I have never been happier than I am right now at this moment. Today is the day Rory becomes mine forever. I never thought this day would come. I always thought Rory would just be a girl I was secretly in love with in highschool. Until that fateful fourth of July night.

Now here we are ten years later.

I'm about to marry the girl of my dreams. We have two amazing nine, almost ten-year-old sons Knox and Kohl, whose last names are now the same as my own, Trevor. Just recently, we found out Rory is pregnant with a little girl.

Who we decided to name, Finley.

We still haven't told anyone yet that Rory is pregnant since she just now is beginning to show. We plan to tell everyone later today at the reception.

My brother Catch has been trying to figure out what is making me so happy cause he isn't easily convinced that it's because of the wedding. Over the last two years, we have gotten closer than what we used to be. He has been working hard to prove to me that he's changed, and he's not the same person he was in the past demanding money to pay off his drug debt.

He has proven it.

I can hardly remember the person he was ten years ago.

Now he's the best man in my wedding and happily taken by his girlfriend Aria. Who he's just as much in love with as I am with my soon to be wife. They both deserve to be happy after everything they went through in the past. After hearing their story the way Catch was back, then makes sense. I probably would have been the same way.

Aria is great and fits in perfectly with our family.

Speaking of family.

My Dad and Rory get along great now. Lauryn and her are civil now and that's the best I could ever hope for. She's gotten nicer and less snobbish since Dad and Mom got divorced, which was finalized about a month after I proposed to Rory in February two years ago. Mom didn't want anything other than her stuff, which is why the divorce was settled so quickly. None of us have seen her since the sheriff dragged her out of Sugar Rush, thank goodness.

I always knew she wasn't really a great person. I just didn't realize how bad of one she was until I saw how she treated Rory.

We were all so surprised that the reason for that was because my mom was still in love, though it was more like obsessed with Rory's Dad Jim. So she took her hate and bitterness out on Rory.

I can only hope my Mom is talking to a therapist to help her let go of the past.

I doubt it, though.

Twist of Fate by By The Coast comes on through the speakers, a signal that the wedding is starting.

Quinn, Rory's maid of honor and only bridesmaid, walks down the aisle, wearing a long blue-gray dress that matches the color of my eyes, with Catch. Catch also has a tie on that is the same color that I didn't see him wearing earlier. I've been trying to guess Rory's favorite color for the past two months. I know what you're thinking. How do I not know the love of my life's favorite color, right? Well, she has always insisted that she doesn't have one, but I know she does and just hasn't been telling me. So she finally admitted that she does have a favorite color, but I won't find out what it is until the wedding. She said her favorite color will be Quinn's bridesmaid dress.

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