Chapter Five✓

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The next few days go by rather quickly. Spent mostly at the bakery finishing up Thanksgiving orders and the few last-minute ones. The boys attempted to help a bit, too. Though they were mostly in the way so I had to drop them back off with my parents. I made up not spending very much time with the boys by baking cupcakes with them and their friend Sam.

Thanksgiving was good. Just a normal relaxing holiday. It was just what I needed after so many hectic hours at the bakery.

Cage had called on Thanksgiving to tell both me and the boys happy Thanksgiving. He did ask when we can arrange for us all to hang out and we set it for Saturday.

Which is, well, today.

We decided to do lunch instead of dinner. We're meeting at this small diner at the edge of town called 'The Maple Tree'. The diner hasn't been around long. It opened about four years ago, but it has the best milkshakes ever. I would bet money on them having the best milkshakes in all of Montana. I've taken the boys there a lot over the years and it's their favorite place, besides my bakery, to eat at.

The boys come out of their bedroom with nice plaid dress shirts on and dark wash jeans. Though they are dressed mostly the same, Kohl is wearing a blue shirt while Knox is wearing a red one. Honestly, if they came out with the same colored shirts on, I would have been fine with it. I'm just glad they listened to me when I said to dress nicely.

I'm dressed in a maroon sweater, dark wash skinny jeans, and my knee-high brown leather boots. I thought about wearing a scarf as well, but decided that would be a bit much.

Kohl and Knox don't seem to be nervous at all.

Just excited, going off how much they are bouncing in their seats and asking if we are there yet. Going off their reactions, you would think they have never been to 'The Maple Tree' before. I guess in some ways this is kind of the first time. It's the first meal with their father there.

They are excited about both meeting their father and having lunch with their favorite former baseball player.

Baseball must be something that runs in Cage's family because I can not stand it. My Dad doesn't mind it but he wouldn't go saying he's a fan. He mainly just watches it cause the boys love baseball. I thought about getting them into a little league, but the one we have isn't much of a team. I guess kids aren't interested in baseball like they are in video games. That is one thing I'm happy my boys don't like that much. A few other moms I talked to complained about how video games are all their kids want to do once they're home. And how it's all video games this, video games that, and can I get this new game that came out? I could live with sitting through baseball games. All the video game talk? Not so much.

Five minutes later, we're arriving at the diner. We all hop out of the car and go inside. Spotting Cage in a corner booth, we head over to him.

Once he sees us, he quickly gets out of the booth.

"Hey, Rory."

Cage hugs me and I'm startled at first, but then I hug him back.

"Cage," I say when he releases me from his embrace.

I turn towards the boys and beckon them closer. Since they were standing back a bit.

"Cage, this is Knox, and this is Kohl. Boys, this is Cage... your father."

"It's nice to finally meet you both. I don't know about you, but I could devour a cheeseburger right about now. What about y'all, you hungry? Your mom said this place has got the best milkshakes." Cage says crouching to the boy's level to not seem so intimidating.

"So could we." The boys say at the same time.

"And they do have the best milkshakes," Kohl adds.

Cage laughs and gestures to me to sit in the booth before sitting next to me. The boys sit in front of us and are super excited about their milkshakes.

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