Chapter Thirty-two

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Last night's dinner is at the very front of my mind the next day, I mean how could it not be. It seemed like it was going to be a perfectly normal dinner then it quickly turned into a disaster.

You know by wine glasses being thrown at walls, shattering.

I never would have thought dinner would have gone that badly when I agreed to go the other day. I have never been more shocked in my life and I had two kids when I was eighteen! I mean I never would have guessed that Mrs. Trevor was my father's ex-girlfriend. I don't know how long ago they dated though, nor do I care. It must have happened a long time ago though considering I'm twenty-five. That's a long time to be pining after someone, who's married at that. Not only that she's married too, not for much longer though going off of what Mr. Trevor said at dinner last night. You would think she would have gotten over my father at some point.

Though going off her behavior last night it's clear she needs to see a psychiatrist or something.

Her actions from last night clearly show she's insane and I am so glad that she will never be in Cage's and my son's lives. I wouldn't be opposed to Mr. Trevor being in their life. He seems sane enough, though I will be extra cautious of everyone who enters my life from now on.

Knox and Kohl were curious about how the dinner went last night but I honestly do not want them to know, so we just told them it wasn't good and left it at that.

I hear a commotion outside of the kitchen and quickly rush out to see what's going on.

The moment I do I spot someone I thought I would have never had to see again.

Mrs. Trevor.

"You! You ruined my life!" Mrs. Trevor points her finger at me when she catches sight of me.

Hannah looks like she's about to cry and isn't sure what she should do. As for all of the customers in the bakery? They are staring at Mrs. Trevor alarmed and are whispering to each other. I mean I would have been too if I was them. Mrs. Trevor cared way too much about her image to have been acting in such a way in the past. 

It would seem she doesn't care about it anymore.

"How did I ruin your life? I seriously have never even spoken to you until Cage came back to Rushmore. The times you had to give your order don't count," I tell her calmly, knowing if I raise my voice back it will only make things worse.

"Jim would have come back to me if your mother hadn't gotten pregnant with you! I know he would have, he never loved her, he loved me! Not only that but I could have gone on pretending you didn't exist but no you had to go and get pregnant by my son!  You and your bastards have ruined my family!" 

After she said that, Cage walks into Sugar Rush with Knox and Kohl. 

All three of them looked worried when they see an angry Mrs. Trevor, especially Cage.

You know what? I've had about enough of this bitter old hag for one lifetime. I grab the lemon meringue pie off the counter, that Hannah was about to box up for someone and smash it right in Mrs. Trevor's face.

"That wasn't an accident," I tell her, referring to the time Knox or Kohl accidentally got cake on her purse.

Knox and Kohl burst out laughing at the shocked lady, the pie pan and the pie that isn't all over her face falls to the floor. Mrs. Trevor's entire face is covered in pie, looking like she's wearing a whip cream face mask.

Gosh, I have been wanting to do that for so long, it was so worth wasting that pie.

Was it really a waste though?

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