Chapter Six✓

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After dinner, we took the kids to the park to run off all the sugar they consumed. Cage had the idea after he saw that the boys had way too much energy after the milkshakes they finished. Plus, it gives Cage more time with Knox and Kohl.

Cage and I are sitting on a bench near the playground the boys are playing on. 

He hasn't said anything in the thirty minutes that we've been here, just quietly watching the twins, so I haven't tried to break the silence.

"They have your laugh." Cage speaks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, probably one of the few things they got from me besides my DNA. They're mini you, especially Kohl. His personality is very similar to yours. Knox may be more like me personality wise, but he shares a lot of your habits." I tell him, pulling my sunglasses out of my purse and putting them on.

"They are, and yeah, I noticed that. At first, I thought Knox didn't like me, but then I realized he's just quiet and reserved like you. He was being cautious and was trying to figure me out. I would have done the same thing if I were him."

Knox really isn't a fan of new people. He's happy with the small number of people in his life. Anyone new who meets Knox for the first time will probably think he doesn't like them. He takes his time to warm up to anyone. He'll sit and study everything a person does. From there, he decides if they're a good person or not based on their actions. There was this one kid at school who Kohl became friends with, while Knox only said maybe a total of ten words to him at most. It didn't take him long to realize that the kid wasn't going to be a good influence on Kohl. Knox told Kohl that and he stopped being friends with him instantly, no questions asked.

He knows when Knox tells him he should do something. It is for his own wellbeing.

"I can tell he likes you. He warmed up to you quicker than he does to others." I look over at him and give him a small smile.

"Thank you." He grabs my hand and gives it a quick squeeze before letting it go.

After that, we're silent until the boys come running up to us. I wasn't sure why both Knox and Kohl were running with their arms cradled. At first, I thought they were hurt, but it doesn't seem like it. I relax at that, realizing I stiffened up in alarm when I saw they had their arms cradled.

"Mom! Mom!" They both shout at me and I stand up, walking the rest of the way towards them with Cage following.

I look down at both the boys' arms, seeing two little puppy heads peeking out from under them. One is chocolate-colored, and the other is yellow with a little brown lightly mixed into its fur. They both have beautiful, dark brown eyes.

"Oh my, look at you two. Aren't you pups' cuties? Where did you boys find them?" I gently take the brown one out of Knox's arms and hold it up to get a look at it.

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