Overhaul X Quirkless! Reader

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Requested by: Time-chanWarnings: Kidnap.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You gasped as you sat up, the room was cold and dark. You stood from the soft bed you were in, This wasn't your room. You looked around, there wasn't really anything in the room, Only a dresser, bathroom and bed. You looked down at your bare feet and nightgown, the only thing that came to your mind was that your stalker finally got you. You've been getting pictures in the mail of your doing random things around your house, eating, watching T.V, etc. 

You gulped down your fear before making your way to the door, you tested the handle and was shocked to find that it opens. He was smart, he wouldn't have kept the door unlocked. You slowly make your way to a room, You heard voices coming from the room. "Where are they?" A monotone voice asked, you pressed you ear against the door. "Goodness, your eager. Aren't you,Overhaul?" Another voice asked, Overhaul. 

He was a villain near were you live, you couldn't be that far from your house. You quickly backed up and started running down the cold hallway before you felt someone grab you, he was strong and could easily lift you. They chuckled and carried you to the room, You started to fight back. "H-Hey! let me go!" You yelled, trying to get back onto the ground. "hmm, nope." The person laughed, kicking open the door. 

"I got them." They put you on the ground, you tried to run but they picked you up by the waist. "....Crap" You mutter, crossing your arms and pouting. Overhaul walked up to you, swatting the person away from you. "You're going to taint them, get away" He growled, holding you against his side in order to keep you close and make sure you won't run. "Give him the money and let's go, I have to take care of my Angel" Overhaul ordered one of his expendables, they handed over the money. 

Overhaul held your hand, tightly, in his as he maneuvered the many hallways until you were outside. There was a fancy car that your were forced into, Overhaul sat right beside you while the others rode in different cars. 

~Time skip cause why not and plus i hate my life Owo~(please kill me)

You were pulled out of the car by Overhaul and lead into a large building, there were too many hallways to even remember how to get out. He brought you to a room with your name written on the wood with neat handwriting, Inside the room was a massive bed, a large wardrobe, a separated bathroom, a Bookshelf that is filled with books and games along with a sitting area, last but not least there was a round rug that almost covered the entire room. You stared at the room in awe, you slightly jumped when you felt a arm wrap itself around your waist. "You never leaving me, Angel.." He whispered, you knew he was right. This was your new home, he just hoped you'll get to love it.

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