Chronostasis x Overhaul

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Requested by SavannahFriend  decided to put both your requests in one, hopefully that's okay?

      Chronostasis sat at the dining table, Tabe sitting across from him. The air was tight as the duo was silent, Chronostasis let out a sigh. The silver haired man stood from the table, leaving Tabe alone after sliding his plate of food towards him. Of course Tabe knew that he was now allowed to eat the newly acquainted food, he watched the man leave the room before eating the food. Chronostasis walked down the hall, stopping short as he thought of an idea.
      He was going to mess with Overhaul, he knew it was a bad idea but that didn't stop him. He snuck into Overhaul's room, of course he had to bribe the only person who saw him enter the room, Mimic, who loves leaks. Once the bribe was done he entered the clean room, the room was fairly fancy. clean white walls, white bed, everything is white, Overhaul likes the color (or shade) white. Chronostasis entered the White bathroom picking up his shampoo sat on the floor, pulling out a empty jar our of his pocket. He removed all the shampoo and put in the jar, once the bottle was empty he put the new shampoo into the bottle.
      He new he had to put the bottle exactly how it was before his prank, he put it back and left Overhaul's room. Pulling out a Leak and handing it to the plush guarding the door, Chronostasis snuck away. Mimic had ran away after retrieving his leak, going who knows where to stash it. 

~Time skip brought to you by Mimic stealing everyone's Leaks~

      Overhaul's scream echo's through the base, Nemoto ran towards the boss like the little fucking simp he is. Chronostasis placed his mask on his head, hiding the fact that he was smiling. He made his way towards overhaul and Nemoto, passing Mimic who was hugging his leak (He's married to the leak) Overhaul stood in the hallway, Blue tainted water dripping from his now blue hair. "Who the fuck did this!?" He yelled at the expendables, who were now surrounding their boss. Rappa laughing his ass in the back as Tengai attempts to silences his man-child, Everyone stared at their boss before Nemoto spoke up.
      "He asked a question, who did this?" His hands land on his hips, face serious as he looks over the crowd. "Chronostasis, come with me." Overhaul looked at him, making eye contact with his right hand man. "Yes sir." The silver haired man following his boss, trying to act normal. "I know you did this." The bro-blue haired man spoke, his eyes shooting towards his friend. "What" Chronostasis looking at him, tilting his head.
      "Don't act dumb, Mimic told me" He stopped walking, looking behind them to make sure nobody was following them. Once he conformed that they were alone he stood in front of his childhood friend, he grabbed Chronostasis' chin. "Uhh" a mutter came from the silver haired man as masked lip met his own, eyes widening. "Don't do it again." He aggressively patted Chronostasis' face before walking away. 

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