Compress X reader

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this was requested by: KittycatOoO 

You sat in the bar, sipping on the drink you had Kurogiri make you. You had blood stains on your clean white dress/suit from the mission Shigaraki sent you on. You could hear Kurogiri ,moaning about how he wouldn't be able to get them out. You decided to ignore the man, focusing on the television to the side. The new blared into the quiet room, they were investigating the mass murder down town, of course they new it was you  due to the fashion of the kill. 

You sighed, spinning yourself in the bar stool. Shigaraki entered the room, sitting beside you. "Good job today, y/n" he spoke, scratching at his neck before Kurogiri looked up at him. "Stop that, it'll bleed again." He scolded the villain, you placed the cup down before walking out of the room. You started to walk up the stairs, only to be met with Compress bumping into you. 

Before you could fall backwards his arm wrapped itself around your waist, you gripped onto his vest. He pulled you into the solid ground, not letting go of you. You cleared your throat,  he quickly backed away. "Sorry, my dear. are you okay?" he quickly asked, shoving his mask onto his face. You smiled at him, brushing your hand through your hair. 

"Yeah, im good press. i gotta go clean up" You excused yourself, leaving him rather flustered in the hall. You shut you door, turning around to a terrifying sight. Toga's face was two inches away from your own, she had a pillow in her hand. "Hello, toga." You speak bluntly, this wasn't a surprise at this point. "I have deku's pillow!" The teenager screams, causing you to be forced to cover your ears. 

"Okay? i want to change. Out." You opened the door for her, she whined as you gestured for her to leave. "But, Big sis/bro!" He tried to protest but it was too late, you had shoved her out. You could hear  her bitching outside the door, you lock it just in case. You put on a  tank top and some shorts, relaxing when you sit on you bed. You stretched, letting out a soft moan as cracks are heard. 

_Time skip brought to you by the Shie hassakai having a funeral for Toya Setsuno_

you got up to hydrate yourself, walking down the hall before a hand clamped around your eyes. You let out a screech, feeling the air move around you. A door is shut before you were against it,  somebody pressed against you. The hand was removed, darkness filling your vision. You blink as your eyes adjust to the dark, a dim light was the only source of light in the room. 

"Hi love." You heard the man say, realizing that it was compress. "press, why did you just kidnap me?" You whisper yell at him, pushing at his chest. "Sorry dear, i just didn't know how to get you alone" He sighs, placing his hand on your cheek. His thumbs rubs against you bottom lip, leaning in before he spoke. "May i?" he asked, his hot breath hitting your face. you let out a hum, pushing your lips onto his. He grinned into the kiss, resting his hands on your hips.

-Another time skip brought to you by Setsuno waking up in a casket-

You and compress came out as a couple a few weeks after the closet accident, Toga was very proud for some reason while the others didn't bat an eye. "Compy always had a crush on ya, we all knew about it. The man oogles you everyday allday." twice spoke up, outing compress. " Twice!" Compress yells, throwing the closet thing at him which was a bottle of wine. Through that was caught by Deidoro, the black haired man slinked back into the roof.

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