Cultist! Shie Hassakai X God! Reader

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You sat in a chair made form old and silver, head resting against the palm of your hand. Humming as you watch the round planet people call earth, thick black smoke circling around the mirror. "This is tiring." you sigh, waving the mirror away. You stand from the throne, your red and black robes fall to the ground as you walk. You walk up to a window, looking at what you created. 

Your father, he who has no name, had given you a dimension to please your creative mind. The large buildings built from stone and silver, green grass that never spoils, orange sunsets that never change. Even the children that run around in groups were your own doing, laughing and tackling one another. Messing up their red and black dresses and overalls, their hair filled with leaf's that fall from the cherry blossom trees. You smile as a young girl runs up to you, paper in her hand. 

"Mama/papa Look what i made!" They yell up at you, holding out the paper.  You gently take the paper, observing the drawing. "What is this dear?" your voice  is deranged and rebound as you look down at the child, A smile huge on her face. "Those are the people we talk to Mama/Papa" She jumps up and down, waiting for your approval. "Hmm, very well dear."  You hand the paper back, watching her bound off to the other children.

"Araquiel, come here"  You call out to your helper, the Creature hums out as they  walk into the room. You look over to the faceless creature, red mist covering the area that would've been it's face. "A child showed me a picture, it was of a cult. They speak to the children, do they?" You ask, Looking at yourself in a large mirror. Your h/c hair long behind you, a bright ring wrapping around your head . Your eyes pure white, white veins spilling out of the sockets. 

"Yes, master. They call themself the Shie Hassakai" Araquiel spoke, the voice sounding as if a man and woman  were mixed. You left out a huff, turning to your assistant. They take a step back, giving you room to move. "well then, i will meet them. of course in disguise" You tell Araquiel, almost making them drop the papers they were holding. "B-But master! your father" You stop them, putting your hand up. "My father said i can do whatever, the only limits to not harm the humans." You correct them, watching them bow as to apologize. 

"Yes, master" Araquiel rose, leaving you to your business. You enter your sleeping quarters, readying yourself to change forms. A sharp pain in your head as you feel yourself absorb the light, a halo as the humans call it. Your eyes slurping the veins back in as they change to a nice color of e/c, you change into a black dress/suit white red gloves. Looking at yourself in the mirror, approving of your look you leave the room. 

Meeting Araquiel outside, the children looking at you in awe. "Mama/Papa looks so cool!" They cheer out complements, surrounding you. "Children i must go to earth, Araquiel shall care foy you while i am gone." You explain to the kids, some of them booing or pouting while the other hug your goodbye. Araquiel bids you goodbye as black and red mist covers you, bringing you to earth. You take a breath, the empty streets that were lit by the signs of shops. 

You walk down the street, analyzing the cult you  seek out. You enter a building, the smell of coffee and paper filled your nose. You walk up to the counter, staring at the cashier. "Can i help you?" He asks, confusion clear of his face. "Where is the 'Shie Hassakai', the location?" You asked, hoping he knows what your saying. He jumped back, most likely not expecting the echoey voice. "Answer my question." You demand, you hadn't realized human life was so difficult.

"Uhh, they live in a house down the street. Traditional japan house." He says, stepping away from you. You nod, turning on your heel as you throw a twenty at the man. Exiting the shop, you look for the building, stopping short as loud chanting rose in your head. You sigh and let yourself be summoned,  closing your eyes  as your felt your body get dissipated. 

You opened your eyes, you were now in a room filled with men. They were stood in a circle, you heard a whimper, looking down you saw a young girl. You blinked at the child before lifting her into your arms , looking up at the men once again. They were now all bowing, hands on their hearts. "Where you trying to sacrifice a child?" you asked them, one stood up. 

He removed his red hood from his head, he was the only one in a red robe as to claim he was the head 'priest'. "well, yes." you stared at him, silence rose in the room aside from the child crying. "Why?" you shook your head, as to dismiss the question. You rubbed the child's back, you allowed yourself to reform into your original form. The men covered their eyes, shielding themselves from the blinding light. "You can stand, and by the way. Do not sacrifice children." You placed the child down, holding her hand. 

The men stood, removing their black hoods. You analyze their faces, one standing out. "My disciple" you motion to one, his hair covering half of his face. He gulped as the members look at him,  some in hatred and some in awe. "You've been chosen Setsuno." The leader spoke, pulling him closer to you by his sleeve. "Don't make her/him wait!" He orders, the blonde slowly stepping closer to you. 

You place your hand one his head, connecting his brain to yours. "I will be able to speak to you, without being here." You speak calmly, lifting your hand away form him. "Your leaving master?" the leader asked, stepping forward. "Yes, i still have my own to care for. I will still  be here with my disciple to watch over you. No more sacrificing children." You look down at the child, leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead.  "behave now." you spoke before smoke surrounding you, leaving the cult alone once again, only with more hope.

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