57. The Sixth Sphere

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The heat radiating from Erdudvyl's hands as they rested on Loldirr's broken rib brought ease to her aching and tired body. As the sharp pain subsided and her breathing became eased, Loldirr relaxed into the bed where she lay.

Part of her wanted Erdudvyl to spread her powers across her whole body, allowing the bruising around her chest and back to subside and the inflammation around her neck to lessen. She could still feel the vice-like grip of the Shadow around her neck, squeezing agonisingly tight, and every time she swallowed, it felt like bees brutally stinging her throat.

Realistically, though, she only want Erdudvyl to deal with her rib, then she could have an excuse to lay in bed for the next few days. She deserved a rest, and with the snows starting to fall, nothing else felt more appealing than huddling up underneath the covers of her goose feathered duvet.

"You do realise you could probably have done this yourself?" Erdudvyl chuckled as she could see the sense of relief flowing through Loldirr.

Loldirr hadn't thought of that. Manipulating fire, earth and air had been a natural part of her journey. In the past, she had also subconsciously influenced water, so in theory, she could restore some life as well. How that worked, exactly, remained a mystery to her.

"What about the scar on your cheek?" Erdudvyl asked, rubbing her hand along the discoloured indentation underneath her eye. "You can remove blemishes like that if it's not serious."

Loldirr recalled the day the Shadow had given her this 'gift', "Every day I can feel my powers grow, sometimes I frighten myself with what I'm capable of," she responded hoarsely, "but every time I see or touch this scar, it reminds me that I am still mortal."

Erdudvyl nodded, her answer impressing her greatly, "Words of wisdom indeed."

Retelling the stories of their adventures had been a pleasant change of pace from the battle that had been fought earlier today, and seeing Erdudvyl's beautiful smile, despite appearing extremely tired, had given Loldirr what she needed to rest into her bed with ease.

There were plenty of celebrations in her name throughout all of Ravenscourt. The Fæordic had set up camps outside of the city and could be heard for miles around, while the people of Ravenscourt had found anything that resembled a phoenix and placed it high throughout the entire city.

Loldirr was a hero, although she didn't feel like one right now.

As the door to her room opened, Ethelston waltzed in dressed in more appropriate attire than the blood-stained leather of his armour. Erdudvyl coyly stared at him, admiring every one of his steps. Pushing strands of hair behind her ear and the way that Ethelston's gaze lingered on her, it did not take long for Loldirr to recognise the signals.

"Wait, are you two?" Loldirr asked, not realising that she had actually spoken the question.

The smile on Erdudvyl's face answered the question as it shone brighter than ever before. As Ethelston sat on the edge of the bed, even his smug look had been replaced with something else. Pride perhaps?

"When and how did that happen?" Loldirr asked.

"There are some mysteries in this world that can not be answered, " Erdudvyl joked. "Anyway, I must take my leave; I believe you and Ethelston have things to discuss?"

"Yes," confirmed Loldirr deep in thought, "thank you for everything. We must continue our discussions tomorrow."

"Indeed," confirmed Erdudvyl. As she stood to her feet, she faced Loldirr and curtsied, "my Empress."

Spinning around towards the exit, Loldirr felt unease at the title and how her mentor had now positioned herself as a subordinate. The concern had telegraphed itself on her face when Etheslton responded, "It's a title that you must become familiar with. After today, all of the realms of humans will know of your legend. Even I'm envious of the moniker Wraithslayer!"

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