4. Grave Lineage

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Stealthily and with urgency, she made way to the small graveside where previous members of Greenhaven were buried. Edric had set aside a plot for himself next to his wife who died long before Loldirr had been born.

As Loldirr picked up the spade next to the plot, she hesitated before making the first incision into the earth. She had never met Edric's wife, nor did he talk much about her, but Loldirr felt wrong to start desecrating her grave.

Wiping the tears away from her eyes, she took a deep breath "I'm sorry," before smashing down the spade into the dirt and trying to gather as much of the turf as possible.

After fifteen solid minutes of digging, she had managed to uncover a large chest just enough to begin opening it. She looked around, briefly, to make sure she was still alone before pulling the chest open. It creaked and splintered in agony as it's unused hinges were forced to unfold. Expecting to see the bones of Edric's long-deceased wife what she saw was a total shock to her.

A satchel and a sword wrapped in a silk linen cloak.

At first, Loldirr didn't know what to do, confused by the lack of any type of corpse. 'What has Edric been playing at all these years?' She thought.

A parchment sat at the top with Loldirr's named etched into it. With delicacy, she opened it carefully, hoping that it would not get damaged due to being separated from the outside world for so long.


If you are reading this, it is because my life has now come to an end.

I have taught you many things over the years, including to read and write, chivalry and etiquette, but there are many things that I have not allowed you to understand or comprehend. As a result of this, what I am to tell you may appear confusing and somewhat outrageous.

Firstly I do not go by the name of Edric Hunter but the name Lord Edric Darke, Grand Duke of Ravenscourt, Protector of the Western Province of the Great Imperial Nation of Isovine. It may seem strange that I have chosen this life instead of nobility and power, but I sacrificed my title and privileges for a greater call.

That greater call is you.

I hope to do all I can to teach you the ways of nobility despite being in humble surroundings, for you to are not of the name Hunter.

You are Loldirr Aex-Igh, last of House Aex-Igh the true rulers of the Isovine Empire. As part of schemes concocted by Emperor Arnaud III, all of your family were murdered as the result of his lust for power. While many flocked to his cause, House Darke will always remain loyal to House Aex-Igh.

But the true reason for me to do all that I've done is not for revenge or power but because of the prophecy that one day, darkness will fall across the land. When darkness falls, a strong shining light will pave the way forward for all people.

You are that light Loldirr.

While I have taught you to lead, others will need to guide you to shine. You must head west towards Gryffinfall and seek help from the Elves, for only they truly grasp the evil that is to come and how you can defeat it.

I was never really much of a father, but I know I have prepared you well for what is to come.

Duke Edric Darke.

"What the fuck!" Loldirr eventually responded after reading the letter.

She knew this was genuine as the raven insignia of house Darke sat in the corner of the letter solidified in wax.

Picking up the sword, she looked at its incredible handiwork. It was a bastard sword, heavy to use but deadly in the right hands. It's pommel displayed the same house Darke Raven insignia moulded into a circle. The Pommel felt soft to touch and seemed to caress her hands as she held onto it. Along the length of the blade, the words 'dìon luchd-dìon nan daoine' were engraved into it, gleaming in what was left of the dwindling sunlight.

"Protectors of the Realm, defenders of the people." Loldirr's whispered to herself.

Placing the sword back in the robe she picked up the satchel and put it over her shoulder, doing all that she could to not interfere with her bow and quiver just in case she would have to use it quickly.

Unfortunately, she did.

"What do we have here, lads?"

As Loldirr span around, she was flanked by three dirty looking rogues who were licking their lips at the sight of her. Instantly she grabbed her bow and knocked an arrow into place, pointing it at the lead man.

"This one's super pretty as well. Can we fuck her before we kill her?" The second man grinned displaying his set of rotten and blackened teeth; his bloodshot eyes widened at her figure.

"Or kill her and then fuck her?" The third one chirped in.

Each of them started to separate to encircle the young woman. Loldirr frantically pointed her arrow towards them, slowly getting up and carefully walking backwards so she could keep all three in view.

Another tear slipped down the side of her smooth cheek while her fingers that were holding the arrow were placed carefully on her other. "Please don't make me do this." She whimpered.

As the lead rogue started to fiddle with his groin, he smiled at her "You won't have to do anything, my dear!" He looked at the other two giving them the signal to make their advance on her.

Before he realised it, he was choking on his blood, struggling to breathe as he spotted the arrow deep in his neck. As he dropped to his knees, he briefly watched as his colleagues tried to advance on her, but with sheer speed and accuracy, Loldirr managed to grab an arrow, draw it in the bow and release.

Within a couple of seconds, they were all on the floor lifeless.

Loldirr started to hyperventilate and cry uncontrollably as she looked at the lifeless men on the floor. Overwhelmed by a sense of guilt as the last of them made his final breath, she kneeled on the floor mumbling to the gods for forgiveness. Killing an animal was one thing, killing a man, something entirely different.

Taking one more look at the lifeless eyes, she tried desperately to steady her breathing but was unable to do so initially. Returning her gaze to the opened letter that was flickering in the breeze, she briefly remembered what it said and focused on the most relevant words.

You are the light, Loldirr.

Loldirr didn't understand why, but the words seemed to give her a new focus and stability.

Refusing to look at the corpses around her, she focused on the horizon, specifically the forest. Willis was hopefully waiting for her there, and she needed to move quickly before others would come looking for their colleagues.

With the sun starting to set and the sky turning blood red, Loldirr had to go now to reduce the chances of them following her tracks.

So much of today didn't make sense. The destruction of Greenhaven, the black knight, the death of her guardian, the empty grave, the letter. So many unanswered questions.

What did make sense though was her next task.

Edric had made it clear, doing everything she could to get her and Willis to Gryffinfall.

Loldirr may have defied Edric's wishes in life but where there was regret in her heart of harsh words and untold things, it was now filled with determination and purpose. Loldirr would do everything she could to fulfil the final request of her guardian, Edric Hunter; no, the late Lord Edric Darke, Grand Duke of Ravenscourt.

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