10. Judge, Jury, Executioner

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The strong smell of saltwater filled Loldirr's nose as the Sea Horse rocked gently amongst the waves. The deck of the ship glowed in the bright midday sun as the tip of Gryffinfall's mage spire started to appear over the horizon.

Despite her face being covered by the cloak brought by Ethelston, Loldirr smiled knowing that this voyage was finally coming to an end and she could spend the last hour enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

As Ethelston pulled himself above deck, he held onto the rails tightly looking a lot whiter than usual. It was obvious he had lost some weight over the last few days from his constant seasickness and his usual cocky grin was nowhere to be seen. As he looked towards the horizon, he wanted to bask in the excitement of the journey ending, but simply didn't have the energy to do so.

Loldirr shared his disdain for the trip. Glaring towards the captain she felt resentment knowing that since the 'incident' a day ago, he had stayed well clear from both her and Ethelston. She wasn't sure how much the Captain knew about what had happened, but he certainly had some inclination.

The Captain wasn't to be touched though. He had kept his end of the bargain by getting them to Gryffinfall. Whatever his reasons for avoiding Loldirr since his crew attempted to rape her, there wasn't enough evidence to demand retribution.

Because retribution was what she was after.

She felt disgusted and sickened even though their attempt had failed. She also felt angry and confused at herself for her naivety and impatience at wanting to experience the world. As she had watched the waves crashing against the hull of the caravel it had given herself time to reflect. Her reflection had revealed one major need, a need to mature quickly to survive in this cruel world.

Once Edric had commented that this was a man's world, and it was extremely difficult for a woman to stand strong and make waves of change in it. Difficult, but not impossible. But to achieve that it would take a level of wisdom far beyond the average human being.

Edric. How much Loldirr needed his guidance now.

As the magnificent elven spire seemed to grow out from the water, Loldirr took the short time to reflect on the serene picturesque moment.

'One more quick look at life before having to deal out death.' she thought to herself.

She casually walked over to Ethelston trying to ignore the stares that flitted over in her direction. There was a time when she would have enjoyed the attention, but no more. Now a part of her wished she would be as normal as the next man or woman.

'Don't be so fickle!' she chastised herself. 'You can't want one thing and then something different when it doesn't go your way. Time to grow up!'

Ethelston attempted to look towards her as she approached but he found looking at the spire eased his sickness.

"I've never seen a building like that." Loldirr commented towards him.

Ethelston grunted and nothing more. His lack of response was of some amusement to Loldirr. For someone who could never shut up on land, the sea had revealed a very different quality in her companion. She also felt a tinge of regret for him too. Spending this long in his state must have been horrendous, and draining on his body, mind and soul.

"It's almost over." Loldirr commented placing her hand on his arm. "I have a couple of things I need to take care of before we land. Wait for me here."

He grunted again, not taking his eye off the spire for one moment.

Loldirr briskly walked off the deck admiring the gleaming steel of Ethelston's dagger she had just procured. Stepping down into the hold she briefly closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

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