6. The Rose of White Road

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Every time she attempted to sleep, Loldirr saw the lifeless eyes of Willis as his head floated down the river to never be seen again. He was someone who would have never hurt another being and despite his naivety would do anything to make other people smile. He didn't deserve to have his life ended in such a brutal way.

It felt like each muscle was screaming in agony by the time Loldirr reached the edge of the forest. She had run most of the way to try and gain as much distance between her and the black knight as possible. The sun had started to set as she eventually found a road frequently used by traders and travellers.

When the sun finally did descend beyond view, the hope that the road continued west was the only thing keeping her going. By the time she reached any sort of civilisation she was cold, wet, hungry, aching, confused and angry, however, she still needed to keep her wits. Until she could get clarification on what was happening everyone was a potential enemy.

Despite the moon being at its highest point, the establishment she had located was not as quiet as Loldirr had expected.

The Rose of White Road. A brothel on a crossroads between Taernsby, Lavender Falls and White Harbour. As a brothel, it would mean most of its business would be conducted at this time of the night.

Looking down at her clothes, Loldirr realised that a woman wearing hunting gear was anything but inconspicuous. Fortunately, everyone was to preoccupied to notice her climb through one of the few darkened windows to hide herself in a corner among various baskets of vegetables.

Initially she didn't want to close her eyes as she immediately recollected Willis' detached head at the river, but pure exhaustion pushed her into a deep sleep.

The dreamless sleep was eventually interrupted by the uncomfortable sound of moans and purring. Initially opening her eyes and adjusting to the minimal light dawn was bringing, Loldirr couldn't quite tell what sounds she could hear until she started to gain her bearings. She twisted her nose in disgust when the realisation that someone was performing sexual acts not far from her hiding place.

'Wait, am I not in the kitchen?" She thought to herself. 'Some people are sick!'

There was along drawn-out moan "When you killed that Manticore, did you use you sword?" A smooth seductive voice of a young woman could be heard.

"A sword would never work." A deep masculine voice responded "you need something longer like a spear!"

There was a gasp from the woman as he emphasised spear.

"Did you penetrate it deep m'lord?" Another gasp came out on the word deep.

"Hold on," Loldir thought to herself, "that voice was different from the first woman. This man truly is a disgrace."

Loldirr squirmed uncomfortably as the gasping and moaning became more frequent and louder, despite trying to remain as still as possible she was becoming more and more agitated by the obvious lustful activities a few metres away from her.

Then as if it was getting to a peak, there was silence.

Loldirr did everything to try and be as quiet as possible, her entire body screamed in agony as she refused to make a move, slowing her breathing down as much as she was physically capable. As far as she was concerned she was not making a sound but was desperately waiting for the three debauchers to move on.

"You there, behind the potatoes, come out slowly." The masculine voice boomed towards her.

Loldirr rolled her eyes but grabbed her bow as she pushed the potato basket to the ground. A physically imposing stark naked man with clean-cut raven black hair and beard stood, facing her directly. Behind him stood two naked women who continued to caress each other's breasts despite knowing there was impending danger.

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