chapter 10 FIGHT, FIGHT

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It has been 2 weeks since Gulf reached Slaucavier pack

Xavier was very strict, he never let anyone skip the training unless they fainted due to exhaustion.Gulf was also making considerable Improvement in his training.

He was sufficiently fed and there was no one to hurt him or beat him to death,so it was like a breath of fresh air for him in the 22years of his life

In his pack he was never given enough food or rest .In every pack he had been thrown into,he was always treated as a slave .
He was always treated with little food and torture once they realise that he is weak.

Here nobody treated him as a slave ,he was always treated right .The only thing bothered Gulf was the occasional looks of fury that Lhong and his gang threw at him whenever alpha talked to him with care and kindness.

It was a normal training day and everybody was getting ready in the boxing ring for boxing practice

Xavier entered in his training attire eyeing everybody
"Today's training  is a little bit different....
"We are going to conduct a Fighting competetion between you guys ",he said

"I will call you out randomly
And the loser will have to follow
Kitchen duty ok"

Everyone groaned in frustration
Werewolf kitchen duty is the most hectic punishment that one could get.
Werewolves eats mountains of food in one go,as their body require high level of energy while shifting.

After three fights it was now
Gulf's turn,he got up and entered the ring
He was very nervous and he kept Fidgeting

"Lhong...."Xavier called
Lhong got up fire in his eyes

He jumped into the boxing ring
"It's gonna end today you outsider.....
Lhong said smirking

"Ohh come on not again",
Gulf thought but he said nothing

They both circled, Gulf's hands were close to his body in protective stance and
Lhong had a determined look on his face

Xavier blew the whistle and Lhong immediately threw a  punch aiming Gulf's chest
Gulf was lean so he dodged it very easily
Lhong  lost his direction and turned back
He was getting furious and angry.
Gulf  kept his protective stance
keeping his eyes on long's face trying to predict the next move


Can you predict who is gonna win?
Is it Gulf?
He is weak but he is an alpha
Is it Lhong
He is an omega but he is a trained boxer
Who is gonna win?
It's power game😎

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