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Ferno carried a body out from behind the darkness that engulfed them.
Gulf staggered forward, rushing towards it .
Gulf dropped beside the body as Ferno tossed it on the ground with a loud thud , attempting to catch it in his hands.
A rag was used to hide the face.Blood and grime were all over the long white hair.

As he tremblingly withdrew the rag, his hands shook.
He yelled, "NOOOOOO, MOTHER!!!!"

It was his mother ....

His mother's face was beaten, black and blue, and swollen from the abuse .
Lips bruised and wounds on the face and body.He pressed the body to his chest.
"MOTHER!!!! ",he cried as he craddled her face .His mother's almost lifeless body was draped across his chest.
He shouted out, "Mother, please wake up!"
There was no answer.
The Luna, who stood proud Layed lifeless

They heard a piercing cry .....from the crowd .The Luna of Slaucavier attempted to run towards her old friend who were laying still on the ground , but Christopher caught her hands and pushed her back, preventing her from moving.
Elizabeth.....the Luna's shrilly cry was heard and she passed out. They could also hear sobs from the slater pack elders, whose queen and Luna lay slain on the ground.

As Gulf wept, Xander just stood there and gazed and grinned at Ferno... Devilishly
The other elders stood silent with their heads down , unable to say anything.

A heavy curtain of darkness enveloped everyone. There was a deafening hush in the room. The Gulfs' mournful cries could be heard all across the place. As though they were statues, everyone was frozen in place. They had never seen something so tragic in their lives. This was unheard of for werewolves ,who value and protect their lovers above everything else.
This made everyone's blood ran cold.

"Why you did do it?" the Gulfs sobs echoed
why ....?I gave up everything as you odered
Everything ....and then why ....",
He wailed
He gave one last shake to his mothers body in an attempt to save her life.
Her body was getting colder by each the second, and her face was battered and blue, and she was as pale as a paper,

Don't abandon me... I'm worried.... I'll be alone, mom. Please, Momm, wake up.
you know... I've found my mate.... Like we always said .... I found my mate
He gently tapped her face
Mom I won't be weak anymore ..wake up
Momm Plaese he clutch e her to his chest and roared loudly
He could imagine her smiling face even though her face was now covered in dirt

Son please don't cry .... I will always be with you ....a sweet sound echoed in Gulf's head Mother ..... Gulf's defeaning cries made everyone around him cry with him

Christopher's eyes glazed as he met the red eyes in the darkness and quietly nodded.
Gulf's screams echoed like a ring in his head.
This is the ideal time... when everyone in Slater is stunned by the death of their queen and at the clan's demise.
Xander, who had his gaze fixed on Christopher, noticed the glint and realised that danger was approaching. He growled and looked at Ferno, signalling that danger was approaching.
Both of them were ready to transform into their werewolves at any time when the attack stance was initiated.

The moon eclipsed ,hid behind the dark clouds and the temple drwoned in utter darkness .
as darkness flowed in like a veil, engulfing thee brilliant red aura. The fog appeared out of nowhere, blanketing the entire temple.The floors became chilly, and everyone found it difficult to breathe as the unexpected darkness crept in, accompanied by a slurping sound.

Elder slowly turned as a cold hand crawled across his neck, leaving scorching marks.
A scream was heard... scream noises... filled the air, and blood was spilled on the faces of other elders as they witnessed the body of an elder laying on the floor.
One of his hands was missing, and blood was dripping from the lifeless body...the fog engulfed the body again before they could react, causing everyone to fear.

Slayers!!! Attacking!!!
The screams filled the air, and blood began to splatter from every direction , Werewolf howls, cries ,with the slurping growls of the slayers mixed in through the fog. However, nothing could be seen from outside due to the thick snow covering the entire atmosphere.

Christopher felt a cold metal scurfing against his neck, which burned like fire. He smirked, but hissed and turned towards the red cruel eyes that stared at him, yelling,
"Do not touch me, I am the future king," and the red eyes of that figure looked sharper and came closer, the Silver blade pressing more firmly against his neck.
"We want blood, hmm tasty old werewolf blood... Tastier than any other creature's ", the low slurping and laughing sound became louder as it leaned in and licked the blood that flowed from the wound we "want blood, hmm tasty antique werewolf blood... ",Humming increased as it drank blood

Christopher hissed at the frigid tongue with a spasm.
"I am the one who assisted you in getting in here ...",
Slayers leader chuckled low icy sound like a curse
"you betrayed your own kind...,.do you think I would show any kindness our arch enemies.?.. .blood is all I desire and I will relish your blood drop by drop".

"You lowly creature ",Chritopher growled ,at lightning speed and clasped his claws into the slayers neck causing chilly cry to echo.
A breaking sound was heard
The slayers head slipped to one side .

His tounge hung out and blood drops dripped from it as the red flicker in his eye s went out ..."you don't betray Christopher",
The body fell into the cold floor with a thud

Gulf crouched like a young child behind the fernier statue, still hugging his mother's body to his chest for warmth against the cold seeping body.

Her body was lifeless
She had no slightest reacting his calls

The only person who stood by him is slipping...... away from life...not looking at him with her soft eyes, which were the only source of love for him
Gulf was on the verge of passing out ...since he was unable to move. He continues to cradle his mother's shivering body....
In his mental link, his mother's voice resonated.
Calm down stay strong can't surrender my boy....
His mental state was deteriorating.
His mind was numb in the darkness, and in his mind he kept looking for his mate and his mother.
Gulf ... Gulf a soft voice kept calling him..

"Take a look at this one,crying like a baby ",...about 5 slayers surrounding the fernier statue.
"Not just one, but two.. .",
The sounds of slurping enveloped them. Gulf didn't even raise his head; he was still in daze unaware of the danger . He is sobbing for his mother to wake up.

The slurping voices chuckled at the easy prey.

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