What the heart desires

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With Jack accompanying me, I took him to the station but we didn't make it through the reception area because Jack started tugging on my arm, I looked at the boy with a raised an eyebrow "is something wrong Jack?" I asked him with the boy nodding his head frantically "I'm scared" he revealed, I bent down on one knee to take his hands into mine "there's nothing to be scared about Jack, I'm here as well" I told him yet he was still resisting to join me in the office "I'm still tired" Jack revealed and I took that into account "well, you can have a nap in my office while I do my work, we'll only be around ten to fifteen minutes" I said to him noticing his eyes, he was still tired "okay" he murmured but seeing as the young boy was still tired, I decided to take pity on him and carried him to the office "Captain L/N?" I turned to see Tina then "Officer Chen, can I have a few moments alone and ask Captain Fowler to come and see me when he has a chance" I asked hoping no more questions would be asked and thankfully they weren't.

Officers passed by the office window and I could see so many of them glancing in, Tina had certainly been telling others of the scene this morning. Captain Fowler eventually joined me, only after bursting through the door "shush!" I exclaimed pointing to the boy who was still asleep on the sofa "who's this little lad?" He asked after taking a few seconds to glance at the young boy "his name is Jack, Cole was needed on patrol and I couldn't just leave him at home after what he has endured" I listed my excuses "what has he endured?" Fowler queried causing me to reach into my bag to show him the letter. It took Fowler a few moments however he glanced up, with dare I say it, sympathy in his eyes? "what is your plan?" Fowler asked, slowly sitting at the chair opposite the desk "I don't have one" I admitted, why would I have one? Until recently I had been focused on my career before Cole was brought into my life "come back to me with one tomorrow" Fowler said tapping on the desk before abruptly standing "like what!" I asked him outrightly and all I got was a cocky smile, a shrug of shoulders and "save him or send him to a different family?".

"You seem stressed" Cole noticed after he had just taken off his jacket "is it that obvious?" I replied along with a sigh, moving over on the sofa to allow Cole to sit beside me "I worry about you" "well I worry about Jack" I snapped back yet that didn't even cause Cole to blink, why would it? "You want to make sure Jack is safe, I understand" Cole said, his voice was remarkably calm for the conversation at hand "what are we to do Cole?" I asked, the stories that had been told to Jack meant that whatever was decided now, the two of us had to be apart of it. Cole understood his mission and reached over to take my hands "what did Fowler suggest?" Cole treaded his words with caution "well, he not so subtlety suggested that we adopt Jack" silence fell between the two of us, it was like I could hear all of the different calculations going on in his head "whatever we do, from now on, we do together" Cole said reaching his conclusion, standing up and pulling me up with him "and that means, tomorrow Jack and I will go and find a ring"

Fate may have brought us together,
But it's the heart that wants us to stay that way.

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