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Through that day, Cole didn't ask me any questions of why I kissed his cheek but he seemed to be warmed towards me as a person and not like a service android. Surprisingly I went to sleep around ten and what I got in my sleep was not what I wanted.

Accessing Memory Bank

I stumbled into Kamski's office as I got used to my new legs. Like predicted he was sat there on his laptop while Amanda Stern sat there with him and they both looked at me as I stumbled into the room.
"Y/N! Your looking great!" Greeted Amanda as she embraced me "I don't like it" I stated plainly as Kamski stood up and joined us "well Y/N you have proven that we can create our program of androids" Kamski said as I frowned a machine, I was a test for a machine that I helped create "I would rather of died in that attack than be a machine" I spat at them "But, you have proven to sustain the new Quantic Battery" added Amanda as I turned to face her "Amanda I was a human, I was breathing and thinking, eating and drinking and philosophising but you've killed me by ripping my heart out and placing a 'Quantic battery' in me!" I raised my voice at the "Amanda I knew what love was" I paused remembering Jason, his face as he left his arm outstretched for me as I fell to the ground "I had a fire, a passion and desire now all I need are circuits and wires!" I told them as Jason Graff came inside the room noticing me "Elijah, Jason is here" he told him as I looked from Graff to Kamski "Send him in" he instructed as I widened my eyes as Kamski came rushing over to me and switching a switch in the back of my neck
Deviancy switch: Off
Jason came into the room and ran straight over to me and embraced me as I stared after at the back off the room
"Y/N my god! I am never leaving your side again, I missed you, I love you!" He blurted out as I showed no reaction as he let go off me in the embrace and looked into my bleak eyes, he stared and I still provided no response "Y/N?" He asked again before Looking at Kamski "What have you done to the woman I love!" He shouted at him "I am a robot, I do not know love" I stated looking over my shoulder at Kamski. Out of rage, Jason went to slap my face but slapped the back of my neck and stormed out of the office
Deviancy switch: Off
And just like that I knew what happened and I sprinted after him before falling down on my knees as I stared after Jason as he marched out towards the exit of the building "Jason!" I hissed to myself knowing that I lost him.

Memories Corrupt

I woke up screaming from that and Cole instantly sat up to comfort me "Jason!" I hissed to myself again as Cole touched my arm "Y/N calm down it was just a memory" he comforted me as I shook my head "No my memory hasn't come back unless I've done it" I fretted as Cole held my shoulders and turned me to look at him as he monitored my systems "no ones tampered with it for years Y/N, your safe" he soothed me as I lay down again before he did so as well "Cole can you promise me something?" I asked him as he hesitated "I'll try" he replied "be there for me when I need comforting" I asked him as his arms gripped me and pulled me closer to his chest
"I promise" Cole said smiling.
"I promise" Jason said smiling.
Jason promised me he would stay and look after me, he failed his mission, will Cole fail his?


Did anyone recognise the song?

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