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A knock on Y/N's apartment door awoke me from my report, I opened it to see another RK900
"Hello Cole, is Captain L/N in?" The Android asked as I stood up straighter "I apologise, she isn't" I said formally as the Android smiled "that's good, I'm Nines, Captain L/N may of mentioned me?" He asked hopefully as I leaned slightly to my left to see his LED removed from his head "no, Captain L/N is unwell at this moment in time, I'll tell her that you mentioned her" I told my twin as he smiled "may I come in, I need to talk to you Cole" he said instantly as I hesitated "what's the subject of the matter?" I asked him, concerned of my safety and of Y/N's "oh its a get together for RK900's all deviants of course," he told me with a delightful smile as he began to describe his friends that were androids and the kind of place they met.
Location found: Construction site
A small image appeared in the top left of my sight before I analysed the room around me
Sofa: traces of crisps
Tv stand: magazines
Kitchen cabinets: cereal, ginger spice, Revolver
I knew I had a gun in my jacket to keep it away from Y/N in case she wanted to harm herself and I knew that she kept one spare. This was my train of thought before
Should I deactivate Nines?
During the moment I analysed the room, Nines was still describing what seemed to be his safe paradise before a particular calling entered my system "RK900 you have a mission to do of stopping the robot cybers and aiding Cyberlife of taking down all deviants, you know where these deviants are and we shall subdue them during the next week" said a female voice that I recognised as Amanda. I blinked at the RK900 in front of me as he finished his description "So Cole will you be there?" He asked me as I smiled "of course" I answered knowing my mission "oh the password to get in is, help the humans" he told me before running off
Password unlocked
I shut the door and quickly turned to the laptop to file a report to Fowler on what I discovered "what are you doing on my laptop?" Asked Y/N as she entered the room "I am filing a report for Commander Fowler" I told her as she widened her eyes before rushing to take it off me, she reached forwards with one arm and I knocked it away "I must insist Captain L/N, it is very important" I reinforced as she reached with the other arm which I grabbed and kept a firm grip on "I don't care Cole" She retorted trying to pull her arms away but I kept ahold of them "how are you so strong?!" She asked still tugging on her arms "I apologise Captain but I need to use your laptop" I reinforced as she raised her leg forcefully to kick me as I dodged nearly which caused me to let go of her arms "you can use your phone Cole!" She Shouted trying to reach for her laptop once again as I picked it up and shielded myself with my back as she began to punch my back "I can't use a phone Captain!" I replied as she held onto my jacket with pathetic strength "why ever not! My laptop is not of your use" she told me with an authoritative voice as I shook her off and shut her computer down and placed it under my arm "because I'm an androids, and androids are not able to use phones unless doing something on an owners behalf or in my case hacking for information!" I told her as she stood still, suddenly forgetting about trying to attack me, she tilted her head to the side and simply asked

"What's an Android?"

Trust begins with trust
Untrust begets with untrust
It's natural

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