You will need it

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I arrived at my house in the late evening and unlocked the door, I didn't know what to expect, Cole had been using it to rest and using my laptop to still report to Fowler. I was here to get my uniform for the attack tomorrow, I climbed the stairs but froze when I heard gentle snores, someone had broke into my house. I pulled out my small dagger and twirled it in between my fingers as I opened my study door to see whiteboards filled with perfect writing, I analysed each and every board to see advancements and worries of the case that Cole had been working on. I closed the study door and opened my bedroom door to see Cole resting in my bed, he was fully under the quilts but I could see his bare synthetic shoulders as they raised up and down as he imitated human sleep. I crept around to my closet and opened the door to reach in and pull out my dress uniform, it was tidier than what state I left it in, I could only assume that Cole cleaned it in his spare time. As quietly as I could, I left my house and shut the door behind me to return to the church to give my uniform to one of the androids there. I entered the vault and descended down the stairs to see the VH500 Android
"Ah Y/N, you have returned" he greeted me as I reached him and he took my uniform "I'm glad you noticed Thomas" I replied as he placed my uniform on the table before looking back up at me "please Y/N, just call me Tom" he offered me with a smile "Alright Tom, tell me what you need with my uniform" I questioned him as the deviant reached into a drawer and pulled out some equipment. Tom held up a small device and addressed it to me "Y/N, this is your camera, it will relay everything you see into these monitors here" he explained to me before pointing at the large tv monitors behind him "why will I need that?" I asked him "So we know if we have to send more reinforcements" Tom said immediately before attaching the camera into the gold badge. He then held up a small microphone "I guess you know what this is?" He assumed as I nodded "so you hear what I say" I replied as he smiled "and then in the morning when you set off you shall have a headset as well to act as a secondary mic if we need it" he explained to me before returning to my uniform as I turned around to excuse myself back up to the spire "Oh Y/N!" Tom called as I glanced down at him from the stairs "good look for tomorrow, you will need it" he commented as I laughed at the face "Sure, Thomas" I laughed at him, laughing over what could of been a clue to the investigation into the shooting that led me back to Jericho "call me Tom!" He replied as I left him in the vault. Tomorrow would be a day of skill testing for Detroit but most importantly the DPD and I was leading the fight.

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