Chapter Six: Its all in the name Part 1

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I know i know, divided again, but it was getting to long and i still have way to many scenes to plot for part 2, enjoy the first part

Emerald hummed to himself as he licked his ice cream, the creamy goodness cooling in his stomach.

The summer sun was like a warm embrace, the scent of flowers heavy in his nose.

A perfect moment to just relax, with butterflies gently flapping through the air.

"Whooo whoooo," a dog howled, and chased the butterflies away.

Mood Fresh griped.

Sirius Black on the other hand was annoying, and it was saying something when Fresh agreed someone was annoying.


It was the 4th year, you know... that forth year.

Where that tri wizard tournament happens.

Where the schools tried to out do each other, prove there worth and fail to make friends with each other.

"I bet your going to join and win!" Leech Weasley said, slutty sister trying to cosset up to him.

"Oh Harry, you'll win for sure," the slutty one said.

What were there names again?

Rude and Goo? Fresh said, totally not remembering either.

Hairball Granger began to harp on rules and regulations, as if they were god.

He mentally began to plot escape routes from the table.


There was a thing wizards had forgotten as time went bye, as they forgot there roots in true magic of the earth.

Intent was everything.

Names bound oneself.

But one had to consider it there name at first.

The last Potter had many names, very few had meaning to him.




His family had been very... kind, with names.

The boy who lived.

The chosen one.

Trouble maker.

Harry James Potter

None of these names meant anything to him, they were just facades others placed on him.

Only one name had ever had meaning, given to him by a being that had loved him once they learned to love.


He was Emerald, before he was whoever Harry Potter was meant to be.

The child known as Emerald was free, without any attachments but to his papa.

So when his birth name was drawn, the paper turned to ash as Harry Potter didn't exist but Emerald did.

Thus, there were only three champions.


Charlie Weasley was a gentle soul, even if he was obsessive with the brutes known as Dragons.

"Yeah," a voice cheered.

"Shit," he cried, that voice came from the temporary Dragon pens.

A Dragon roared.... cheerfully?

"What the Funk," he said, not noticing at first his swear had been censored somehow.

A Hogwarts child in wild colored clothing, was playing catch with a Dragon.

He would not admit that he was jealous.

The kid somehow vanished before he could find out who he was.


Barty jr was not having a good time.

How had Potter avoided being pulled into the tournament?

Still, he had to salvage this plan somehow.


Cedric went to face his dragon.

A ball rolled to his feet...

He stared.

Why was the dragon staring at him like a hopeful puppy?


Emerald avoided Hogwarts like the Plague.

Like any smart male that had no interest in dating or dancing.


Fresh supported this like any parent would, by planning secret torture for anyone that tried to date his kid.

The fact he had no ability to control the body, like that would stop him.

None of those inbred morons and stalkers were good enough for his baby bones.

Neither of them minded being on there own for Christmas.

After all, they had each other.

And apparently Sirius Black who had once again found them.



Why were they all watching a lake.

Actually, why were those guys diving into the lake like Lunatics.

The water was too cold to swim in.

Emerald went back to taking pictures of an awesome Elk, totally missing all the drama.


"Hello Emerald," an airy voice said, Emerald blinked as only his papa called him Emerald. A Small blond stood there, wearing no shoes with large silvery eyes.

"Yo," Emerald replied.

"You rewrote the story," she said humming thoughtfully "And your papa is most interesting."

"Coolio, a seer," Emerald said bouncing a bit.

"Tell The Destroyer hello when you see him," she said walking away.

"Bye Luna," he said cheerfully and Poofing away.

Amusingly enough, neither had ever introduced themselves before.

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