Interlude: Shh... no peeking

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Darkest Black

There was nothing...

It wasn't the void

It was even darker then that

There was a reason Fresh and Emerald only poofed when they had enough magic, poofing needed focus and power. Well, they'd barely had enough and they'd definitely not been focused.

Papa? Emerald called.

There was no answer

Papa., please papa! Emerald mentally cried, as he'd never been alone in his mind.



Eternal falling

It was like they'd fallen in a crack in the multiverse.

He couldn't even move.

Well... this just won't do

A voice, he wasn't alone!

Sorry, no peeking the voice said.


Do not pass Go, do not get 200 hundred dollars

Wait.. what?

No Spoilers!

Spoilers... he was stuck falling in eternal darkness

For a moment he swore he saw something in the darkness, shimmering wings that reminded his of his invisibility cloak

Tick Tick, try not to jump past the script next time the voice laughed in his mind

Wait! Emerald cried.

Then he found him tumbling onto the ground in front of Hogwarts.

"What the funk..." Emerald said in shock, in the distance the crowd roared at the first person was brought out of the water.

He almost started crying in relief, when he heard his papa's voice again.

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