Chapter Ten: Grey beneath the colors

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Make sure to read RedSovas half with Whispers story, best look it up on Ao3 its called 'I'm a 90's Nightmare.....' if you somehow missed it so far

He hurt, he hurt so much.

Emerald hadn't been prepared for the sudden attack, he was healing very fast but the memory of the pain would not fade quickly. Already he could feel the scar being erased from his body, his human magic was good for that at least.

He knew it was an idiot choice, yet... he'd had dreams again and flash of what would happen if he didn't follow.

Whisper all in darker colors exploring, careful. A mutated once human grinning spotting him.

The weapon. Something was wrong with it...

No no no no... don't hit don't hit.

The experimental disrupting the pure monster body, damaging the bond between Whisper and his other.

This he did not write in his dream journal, he wouldn't allow this to happen.

Whisper could never know, there guilt would eat them.

So he pretended to sleep as the Nightmare and Whisp spoke, he felt more and more Guilt.

He was so useless, even though he'd stepped in Whisp had never asked him to.

He could never know.

He hated himself, he could only ever run. Never strong enough to fight, Whisper was so strong. The other Fresh was a true monster unlike himself, and made Emerald feel like a gnat in power and strength.

He'd put the other in danger still even though he'd saved him from teh weapon, papa had also been shocked but it. While his human magic had stopped the same damage, there connection could still be described as sore.

"Exactly how long do you plan to play pretend?"

Wow, great way to talk to someone hurt. Clearly not a people person, and Emeralds head ached and would rather not do anything right now.

"Judging from how you've been acting," he could feel them looking at his blanket wrapped form, "I'm guessing this is the first time something has actually managed to hurt you."

Well, yeah.

But better him then Whisp, he would have recovered but Whisp wouldn't have.

"Papa wanted to explore," he whispered a moment later, a lie mostly.

He could feel the others thoughts race a trillion miles. Unlikely to come across the true reason here, but he was use to that.

"Well, 'Papa' really should have known better."

Emerald wanted to grit his teeth frustrated, easily hiding the anger and frustration from the other.

"Papa forgets sometimes I'm not a normal Fresh, and that I'm not grown up yet," Emerald whispered back, papa wasn't happy that he'd forgotten his host was far too innocent and extremely fragile when compared to another Fresh. The urge to explore, make friends... To be the child he actually was.

Because both of them understood, that sooner or later they'd have to leave.

There was a story to finish, they may never mention it... Unfortunately, they knew their time was slowly drawing closer to an end.

Not even Fresh didn't know if his host would survive what was to come. So, they played ignorant, desperately pretending it wasn't there and that in the end, everyone would be fine. Yet pretending didn't change the fact they had a ticking clock looming over their head slowly leading to the ending of a prophesy.

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