Chapter Six: Its all in the name Part 2

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Emerald was curious.

Fresh was curious.

Did Emerald have enough control to poof out of there AU?

Inquiring minds wanted to know.

The duo wanted to meet the beings they sometimes peek in on them, at least one of them was a Fresh.

Hopefully not Classic Fresh from that Fresh's omniverse, he was a bit of a disk.

And a host stealer.

They also wanted to meet error.

How cool was it that a Destroyer existed!

The rest of the universe would like to disagree on that.

"And I care why?" Emerald asked, narrowing his eyes.

Kiddo, stop breaking the wall Fresh smirked.

"Alright papa," Emerald replied.

Just remember you have to be back before lights out Fresh reminded him, after all today was Sunday.

Fresh Poof


"Woah...." Emerald said as he appeared in the anti-void, white as far as one could see.

Welcome to the anti-void Emerald Fresh told him.

"Cool, now where is Error's place," Emerald said turning around, and didn't stop moving as he was suddenly super duper dizzy.

KID Fresh yelled as Darkness claimed them


Fresh hissed in pain and slowly climbed to his feet, trying to clear his head from the mental fog clogging it.

Then he paused.

He clenched the white skeletal hands in front of himself.

These were not his emeralds hands, these were familiar hands he had when he took a younger Sans as a host.

Was Emerald his AU's Sans?

Papa.... came Emeralds worried voice.

"I think.... this is still our body..." Fresh said, and now that he was in charge reached into his item storage and pulled out a mirror. A familiar face of a Sans looked back, or rather a child Sans or what the voices of the anti-void would dub a shipchild.

Large emerald green eyelights looked out of dark sockets, his parasite body not showing in an eye like it did in normal hosts. Looking down, he found himself wearing hsi normal Fresh clothing, sized for this much younger form, Checking the body he couldn't see his true form, much he somehow hidden due to this strange shift.

Shrugging he pulled out his glasses, a familiar YO-LO appearing on them.

It was a bit of relief to have them again, as Emerald hadn't been quite able to duplicate them.

"Oh! Who are you?" an unfamiliar, turning the 90's parasite turned to see.... a rather blue shaded short Sans.

"Sup Bra, didn't know dat rad Error had a brosky over," Fresh said, feeling glee at using more lingo of his type.

"Oh... I'm on one of my rare visits, my name is Blue by the way," the sans said, eyelights turning to stars.

Coool Emerald said.


"FREEEESH!" a glitching voice screamed.

"Outtie here!" Fresh smirked.

Fresh Poof


"I ship it," Emerald said, finding himself back home in his normal body.

Fresh was so proud.


"A maze, so boring..." Emerald said, as everyone gathered for the final event.

He pouted a bit, as teh teachers had soemhow stolen his board to make sure he actually came.

Apparently it was bad biz for the 'Boy who Lived' to not be to support his school.

Why did he come here again?

At that moment something went over his mouth, a sickly sweet smell in his nose.

Papa... Emerald cried as all went dark.


The fresh child felt ill to his stomach, his arms stiff and heavy.

There was a sharp pain...

Something began to drip

Slowly he opened his eyes, blinking to focus his foggy gaze.

"Funk..." Emerald said as Voldytoots was reborn.

What had he been dosed with that got past Fresh's magic?

He had to escape, he wasn't letting this uncool cat keep him down.

He felt relief as he finally able to feel both of there magic.

Fresh Poof

Emerald did not reappear anywhere.

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