Chapter Nine: Those that exist

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Chapters are getting very long, and don't even fill a full year now, as Emerald just wants to wonder about at his own pace. ah well, its fun either way

Emerald was starting to hate coming back every year, and had to remind himself that he only had a few years left. This placed he swore was sapping the vitality out of him, every time he left his multiverse he realized how drab it was compared to others.

The askers and voices had long left before his AU even formed.

How it formed he wasn't sure, as... you needed the voices and a creator to make an AU right?

Still this was sixth year, next year was seventh then he was out of here.

The Fresh sighed as he got comfortable in the train carriage, have used Fresh magic to jam the door to keep everyone out

Such as his stalkers.

He wanted to go back to Retconned's place, he wanted to know Whisper better. He knew that the other didn't quiet understand Friendship yet, and the parasite part of the other Fresh Sans seems rather hostile.

Not that he could blame them, as everyone with a chip on there shoulder seemed to after a Fresh with a Gaster Blaster.

The last game of monopoly with Whisper hadn't been to bad, and he felt as if he was starting to finally reach the other. He wondered how long it would take Whisper to learn to cheat also, all Fresh cheated at this game.
Classic fresh was eeeeevil with monopoly the one time they played.

Whisper seemed to have bad luck in ending in the jail.

Must have been a bad luck day.

Maybe teach him some other games papa suggested.

"Yeah.. good idea," Emerald said with a yawn, as he felt himself drifting back to sleep.

Sleep claimed him, exhausted from rearranging time to visit his friend...

Why couldn't his multiverse time go slower?

Emerald did not like to sleep, he was one of

the few Fresh's that needed sleep every day or so.

Sleep was disorienting.

Sleep left him open to attack, he'd woken to many times to one of the stalkers trying to get closer in the night. He did not like it, as his dreams were strange and often horrifying.

Since he met Whisper they had gotten even stranger, dreams of places that looked like nothing he had seen before.

One of the first dreams he had after meeting Whisper, was a strange magicless world where he couldn't even speak to Fresh papa and a group of broken people.

That place was just wrong.

In that weird dream, he swore he felt he felt Whisper behind him yet when he turned he saw.. a human?
He wasn't quite sure as he always woke at that point.

He also had the dreams of the dark place, where he'd been lost before the strange being had kicked him out.

Of the being begging another to stop.

He had dreams...

A Dream of Retconned clawing at something, his lantern on the other side.

He hated to sleep.

"Oh Harry, he look just like you!" an older slutty stalker giggled, looking down at a newborn child in her arms.


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