Chapter Seven: A Start of a beautiful friendship

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Not an interlude or a school year. But you could technically call this the start of Arc 2. This also crosses with 'Brighten your day' and RedSovas Ao3 only story 'I'm a 90's Nightmare.....'

Summer started quiet, usually by now Emerald was zooming about having fun and spreading the chaos.

Oh he was still having fun, but he was thinking on things.

MoldyHoly was alive again, using his blood...

He had no idea if his blood which had Fresh's magic in it would cause issues, and that wasn't rad at all.

He was also curious of that place he'd ended, and the strange being that had sent him back.

He'd also bought monopoly, as the one saving him had made jokes with it... he just needed to find someone to play it with him.

Papa didn't count, as Emerald had to to do everything for both of them for the game and hadn't ended very fun.

He so needed a friend, just a cool as his papa.

A few Omniverses away, a Fresh hugging a furby Plush sneezed to there shock.

Two Admins smirked and shook hands.


Retconned blinked.

Why did he have the urge to clean out the final guest room?

Or the image of multiple Fresh's invading all at once.

He texted Shell, the being laughed over the chat room.

"Rude..." Retconned grumbled.

He cleaned out the final guest room anyway.


It was three weeks till school started again, and Emerald was curious.
When they left there AU last time, somehow they'd flipped from human with Fresh stuck in there mind to a Skeleton with Emerald stuck in there head. Could they repeat that, but under there own control.

They'd slipped to the anti-void for this, far from where Error roamed.

Papa said that you could travel between multiverses if one travelled via the anti-void, even jump omniverses. He so wanted to see that.

Technically, they'd only met an alternate Fresh once.. the original Classic Fresh. He'd popped up one day, stalked them for a day. Ate there food, then vanished.


Hopefully the other alternates were not like that, or the weird Unfresh versions he'd heard of.

Very Uncool.

"RAD!" Emerald cried three days later, exhausted and low on magic.. but his body a skeleton.

He looked exactly like he did when it last happened, and he could even summon his papa's shades which he quickly placed on.

YO Lo quickly appeared on them.

May I? Papa asked.

Emerald grinned in glee, and somehow stepped back into his own mind.

And Fresh stepped forward.

We need to figure out how to do this when I'm normal Emerald said happily.

"Yeah, we do brah," Fresh replied, then gave back control back to Emerald.

Humming Emerald stretched and got up, and continued to practice switching species.
After awhile he got bored, so as a skeleton version of himself he started exploring.

Who knew what he could find!


It really was an accident, They'd come across an Error from another Omniverse that was rather insane. In there escaped they'd been thrown far into the endless anti-void.

"Look Out!" he yelled, as he was coming down fast and there was a Fresh below.

The Fresh didn't move in time, and the two slammed into each other and they tumbled apart. Emerald winced as his concentration wavered, and he switched back to human briefly then back.

That's weird, radically slow response for a Fresh Papa said.

They got to there feet and ran to the other Fresh, the other got unsteadily to there feet swaying.

Something is wrong with them Emerald thought, face filling with concern.

"Hey Brah... you okay?" Emerald asked the Fresh, reaching over to steady them, there shades flickering to 'Something-Wrong' as he did.

"Stay away from me!"



Emerald! Papa said shocked.

The other Fresh had just hit them in the head with there skateboard, thankfully there was no cracks in there skull. If they'd been a normal human or monster, that would have caved there skull in.

' SORRY- UNWELL ' and 'KILL- YOU' flashes across their shades of the Fresh , "I told ya to leave us alone! We don't want your help, you Sick Fucker!"

Definitely ill papa said, as the other had pulled out a baseball bat, pointing it at them.

'UNST-ABLE', 'DELUS-IONA L', and 'HE-LP' slipped across the other shades, clearly showing this wasn't normal.

Emerald didn't know how to help them, while technically he was a Fresh due to being papa's host he was also a lot weaker then other Fresh's due to the fact he was well a human magical and wasn't a true monster, and papa could rarely control there body and that was if they left Emeralds AU.

Oh, never mind. Help is here! Papa said gleefully, as new magic filled the area.

Moments later, the ill Fresh collapsed a small white clad Goth holding a ever shining lantern at there side.

"Thank goodness, I got here in time," the Goth said worriedly.

"I know you! Your Retconned!" Emerald said excitedly, he'd yet to meet this being other then seeing him in the chatroom a few times.

"Emerald correct?" Retconned said, as he slowly used his magic to lift the other Fresh.

"Yup, Brah is he going to be okay?" he asked concerned.

"Once I get home, poor Whisper," Retconned sighed, clearly Whisper was this Fresh's Name.

"Gotta skate, schools gonna restart. Mind if I meet and greet when he's better?" Emerald asked curious.

"Of course, your only a bit older then him," Retconned said gently "He does need friends."

Then Both the unconscious Whisper and Retconned were gone.

Emerald stared a moment, as his papa followed the magic of Retconned so they could track him down later. Whisper would probably be an awesome playmate, as they were just as cool as his papa.

At least there skull was hurting less now.

Screw it, they were too curious for there own good.

Fresh Poof

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