Chapter Eight: A Lonely Fresh

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The sun was bright, but the air had a chill to it.

Fifth year had started out not so great.

The great pepto bismo Pink toad had arrived, bring unrad hatred everywhere.

Emerald did not like this year, he really didn't want to stay.

Bumblebee had started saying Mcfarty was alive and that 'Harry' had seen him, okay.. he was alive but the Fresh hadn't told anyone.

So now everyone was looking at him like he was a liar, as the government was he was a trouble causing brat... He hadn't even done anythings.

But he had to stay, to finish school and finish leaning to use his human magic.

Papa couldn't exactly teach him human magic.

He was starting to feel very trapped here, Pepto was trying to trap him into detentions.. yeah.. like he'd allow himself to loose free time with that.

Sometimes he wished he was more powerful, more like how Fresh's normally were. His issue was that he was human, a magi.. a wizard.. a magic user. Oh, he as definitely not quite human anymore after papa's magic had been in his body so long, otherwise he wouldn't be able to take a skeleton monster form outside his AU where magic was stronger.

Due to this, his thought processes were more mortal like and not quite fully monster like...

He was still a Fresh, but a very weak one.

Emerald had noticed that his body wasn't quite aging right, he was fifteen years old but looked a lot younger maybe ten years old. A Tiny ten year old, meaning he would be a tiny adult too he bet.

Humming in thought he nibbled on pocky, he had been going over the huge differences between his AU and others and it saddened him a bit.

Even though he was human he was still the Sans, papa had verified that with his code. Gaster had been James Potter, but due to being born in the magical world had never had a chance to come across his true passion science. Lily Potter, was his mother but the mother spot for a sans always seemed to change Au to AU so who knew who her monster counterpart was.

He had no Papyrus, and that was a true Sin.

A brother would have been awesome.

He fished out another pocky stick from his item pocket as he finished this one, he wasn't really in the mood to face the other children in the castle.

Slutty had tried to invade his showers earlier, and people thought it was cute... saying Potters and redheads.

Um.. no.. eww...

For one thing due to the aging of his body, he was literally ten even if technically he was fifteen and Slutty was a normally aging human.

Pedo alert.

He decided then and there that he should visit Rad Retty, and the other Fresh Whisper.

This place made him angst, he was a Fresh... No angst for him.

Still, he wanted to avoid detention as pepto gave him unrad chills.

Ohhh!!! then he'd cheat to make sure he wouldn't be late.

Good idea! Papa cheered.

Fresh Poof


TK!Sans screamed.

Once again someone was messing with time.

And they knew how to twist it in ways he couldn't undo.

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