Scattered Emotions (Avishek's POV)

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I stood by the kitchen door for a long time looking at her furiously scrubbing the pan. She was acting strange today. First, she invited everyone. We've always been the one to go to the kids places to visit mom, dad and kids. Not the other way around. No, it's not unusual to invite your family at a weekend but the way she did was very strange. Almost like she wanted to show her right. If I didn't know better, I'd think she was trying to show Ruchika. But this is Seema we are talking about, my wife. With what little I know of her; she is not that kind of person.

She was quiet the entire day; I don't know why I noticed. She wasn't the kind to speak much anyway but she was extra quiet today.

I look at her still scrubbing the pan.

"It's going to give up if you scrub that hard." I say making her jump and the pan fell into the sink.

She turned around with a gasp and froze when she saw me. There was an awkward silence where we both went silent.

"Did it do something to you?" I say nodding towards the pan.

"Huh", she looked at the pan, confused, and then suddenly said, "Oh, no. Um, it's just a little hard to clean. Did you need anything?"

I doubt that pan was that hard to clean but let it go. We didn't really talk to each other until it was absolutely necessary.

"No, mom needed water. I came to get a glass for her." I said making my way towards the cupboard with glasses.

I noticed her going back to washing dishes quietly.

"Do you need any help?" I blurt out. I don't know why I said that. Looking at her alone in this kitchen working, while everyone was outside talking, it made me feel unsettled.

She snapped her head towards me, surprised that I even asked her. I was surprised myself too.

"Uh, no it's okay." She stumbled over her words and clumsily started washing glasses.

I silently nodded at her, filled the glass with water and walked out of the kitchen. I don't know why I was hesitant to leave. She has done this her entire life, why do I have the feeling to be here, to not leave her alone while everyone was out there.

I pushed the thought out of my mind and went back to living room. I passed the glass to mom.

"Did you go to neighborhood well to bring a glass? What took you so long?" mom asked.

Shit, what do I say?

"Very funny mom. I was having a glass myself, that's why." I said in a bored tone.

I sat down near dad on the couch. I looked at Ruchika talking with Rahul and Payal and my heart filled with unease. Before I went to kitchen, I was content. Watching her talk with my family, it was almost how I had imagined. Now, this heavy feeling sat on my chest. Something was missing.

I looked towards the kitchen. 

Was it her?

"Is she done?" mom asked.

It took me a second to realize she was asking me.

"Oh, no. She is still working" I said.

"I better go help her then" Shiksha stood up.

"I told her to leave it for now. These girls would help her later. But that woman can't sit still for a minute. Always has to work. Now, see, everyone is here having a good time, she is alone working inside. Doesn't sit right." Mom scowled.

"Shiksha, go call her. Tell her to leave the work and come here." She ordered.

She went and came back alone saying, "She said, she'll come back soon. Only few is left."

Mom looked angry and narrowed her eyes at me.

What? What did I do?

"Go call your wife. Ever since I moved out of this house, she has stopped listening to me." she grumbled.

I groaned, "Mom, she said she'd be back soon."

"Do you want her to be alone working there while her family is having fun here?" I felt like she'd dared me to answer her.

I grumbled but stood up.

No, I did not want her to be alone there. I felt uneasy seeing Ruchika with others instead of her. I had no idea where these thoughts were coming from so suddenly.

Really? You have no idea? A faint voice whispered.

I ignored it and went to the kitchen.

"You know mom won't stop until you do what she says, right?" I say entering the room.

She was cleaning the counter and looked up.

She frowned, shook her head and said, "She's getting even more stubborn."

"I agree. So, just come out. You know how she is." I said leaning against the door frame.

"I'll be there in a minute. I just have to clean the counter." She said.

These women, all are equally stubborn.

I sighed but stood there, her back facing me. Few moments later, she turned and jerked back in surprise. 

She gets surprised really easily, I observed.

"You can go back, I'm coming" she said.

"Mom will chase me out of there with her stick. I am too old to get chased in front of my children" I said.

Her lips quirked like they wanted to laugh but didn't. This was one thing about her I always knew. She knows how to control her emotion really well. She has a poker face.

She quickly finished whatever she was doing, and we went back together.

Mom scowled at her when we went back.

"Why don't you listen to me?" mom whined at her.

"Because you are getting too stubborn." She sassed back.

Looking at these two was always fun, if I had to be honest.

"Why do you have to work alone? You have grown children. They can help you." she complained.

"Mom, they go to work, and work every-day at their own house too. I don't want them to work here too. They are more tired than me, all I do is sit at home. And besides, I've been doing this all my life. I am used to it." She said.

They bantered back and forth but my mind was stuck at the way she said that. "All I do is sit at home"

I didn't like the tone of it. I stared at her for some-time and gave up.

Well, a step in right direction, isn't it?

That's all for today, if you liked it, please vote and leave a comment. 

I am always grateful for every vote and every comment of yours. See you next week.

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