Will You Go On A Date?

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After so many days, waking up beside him, I finally felt in peace. I took my time admiring him, also feeling a bit shy when I remembered last night. It was my first kiss. My first kiss ever. And I had it with my husband. A bit late, nonetheless, I had it. His voice confessing, "I like you" was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I didn't even know I wanted to hear it but now, hearing it, all I can think is how that was the only thing needed in my life.

I watched as he stirred, the sunlight kissing his temples, made him squint his eyes. They roamed all around the room and then finally landed on me. The softness I saw in those eyes made me want to just melt in my bedsheet and never wake up again.

"Hi" he said, his voice hoarse from sleep.

"Hi", I replied, shivering a little from his sleep coated voice.

His eyes landed on my lips, and I knew, I knew he was thinking about the kiss. His one arm came around me and pulled me close to him.

"Do you have to get up?" he asked, running his hand up and down my back.

"No, not yet." I said, wanting to be a little greedy and spend some time with him.

"Good" he said and rested his head on top of mine.

We did nothing, just laid there quietly, with his hand on my back, head on top of mine, and me, feeling like I was on the top of the world.

"Go on a date with me" he said, suddenly, saving me from getting sleepy.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

He looked down at me and repeated, "go on a date with me."

I looked at him to see if he was kidding and he was dead serious.

"Are you serious? You think it's our age to go on a date?" I asked, feeling a little ridiculous.

"Why? Can't people our age go on a date?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"But it's a young people thing" I argued.

"Are you calling me old?" he challenged.

"Are you not? Both of your kids are married" I chuckled at his silliness.

He narrowed his eyes, and I should have seen it coming, but I was busy chuckling at him. All of a sudden, he started tickling me and man, the way I twisted and turned. I was very ticklish, and he somehow gathered that much within the first few seconds.

"Stop, stop, I'm sorry" I yelled in between the tickles.

Finally, after much pleading he stopped but didn't let me get away.

I was still breathing heavy, and wiped my eyes, removing all my tears.

I looked at him to see him grinning at me.

"So, will you go out on a date with me?" he repeated again.

"Why so sudden?" I asked, making myself comfortable.

"I've never taken you out. I want to take you out on a date." He said, removing my hair from my face.

"Okay" I said after some hesitation.

"Great, I have some work at office today, but I'll be back home around 2. Be ready, okay?" he said, smiling.

"Okay, but where are we going?" I asked.

"Wherever you want" he said, his voice going soft and a little cheesy.

"I don't know anywhere. And besides, if it were up to me, I'd want to stay home" I said, a little cheekily.

"No, no. I am taking you out. And that's final. I'll plan something, then" he said, determined. 

His determination reminded me of Rahul, when he was little and wanted to help me around.

"Okay" I agreed, reaching to smooth out his wrinkles between his eyebrows.

I looked at the clock behind him and was disappointed when it was time to wake up.

"I have to get up" I said.

He sighed but let me go.

We both took turns on the bathroom and got freshened up. By the time we reached the kitchen, Ru and Vikash were already there, talking.

"Morning" Ru noticed us first.

"Good morning" we greeted them back.

"Tea is ready" Ru said, pointing towards the kettle.

"Thank you" I said, moving to serve the tea for me and Abhishek.

"So, how was your trip?" Vikash asked him.

"It was fine. My client's wife got hospitalized, so we had to cut it short." He said, taking a seat.

"Is she fine?" I asked.

"I don't know. I didn't think it would be appropriate of me to ask him." he shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad you are back. The house was really silent without you. Right Seema?" Ru asked, and I knew that woman was smirking behind the cup.

"Hmm" I said, not giving away anything.

Abhishek raised his eyebrow at me and gave me toothy smile. I turned towards the cups I had been pouring tea onto and willed my heart to stop beating so fast.

"Right. But we went out almost every day. Ever since I found out that Sagun lived here, we were with him most of the time" Vikash said, and why do I think that this was some plan of Ru?

I took both our cups to the table and saw Abhishek staring at the tablecloth a little to hard.

"We didn't go out every day" I said, trying to save a little.

"No, I think we did see him every other day. I mean, he is a fun guy. Time passes so fast when you are with him" Ru said, looking at Abhishek.

I was sure, this was some kind of planning by Ru, and I wanted to flick her. I shot laser beam out of my eyes, hoping she'd get the point and drop the topic but nope, she didn't look at me once. Her entire focus was on Avishek.

I saw Avishek's hand fisted on top of his thigh and debated whether I should intervene. But Ru and Vikash were right here, and I didn't want to make a scene. So, I quietly, placed my hand on top of his, initially planning to give him a pat and mentally telling him to calm down. But then he opened his hand and trapped my hand in his.

I struggled for a bit, wanting my hand back, but then he looked at me, gave me a smile and started having tea. I gave in after his smile, and silently lifted my own cup. I looked up to see both Ru and Vikash smiling at me, and they both shook their head when I raised my eyebrows asking "what" mentally.

I shrugged them off, my mind half on our hands on top of his thigh and half on the date.

The only question was, what do you actually do on a date?

I'm baacck!! How are you guys? Hope, all is good. 

Sooooo, date huh? To be honest, I am not that comfortable writing romance. I love angst, and words flow out more easily when I am writing angst and sad stuff. So, I am a bit worried about the romantic path the story is taking. Do you guys have any particular recommendation for the date? I would love to listen to you suggestion. 

But anyway, did you like the chapter? Please drop a comment and vote if you liked it. 

I'll meet you guys next week, till then, stay safe and healthy. 

In love with my husbandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon