Thinking and Planning

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I paced around my office thinking where I should take Seema on a date. It's been years since I last went on a date, and I didn't know what really happened these days. I mean, it's a date nonetheless, so it must be similar but the places and the things to do in a date must have changed overtime.

"Hey, listen, can you-" Vikram opened my office door and cut his speech short when he noticed me.

"All okay man?" he asked.

I must have looked serious.

"Yeah, everything is fine." I said, sitting on the sofa.

"You sure? You don't look so good." He said, coming in and closing the door.

Should I tell him? He is my best friend, he can give me some advice.

But you are a 50 year old man, asking his friend about what should you do on a date with your wife.

So what, he is my best friend. He can judge me, laugh at me, but he is still my best friend. He has been with me all my life, in my worst and best moments, supported me in every decision I made. If not him, then whom?

"Avishek" I jumped when I heard Vikram yelling my name.

"Seriously. What's wrong? Is there any wrong at home?" he asked, tentatively.

"No, no, nothing's wrong at home." I said "Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said like he was saying duh.

"What? Where? I, " I started but didn't know how to ask him.

He said nothing, just raised his eyebrow, waiting for me to complete my question.

"What exactly happens on a date these days?" I asked, the questions spitting out of my mouth like a bullet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. I thought you said "what exactly happens on a date?"" he said, cleaning his ear.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ass.

"ha-ha. Come on, tell me" I said.

"Same old, same old. Like our time back in the day, I guess. Movies, dinner, that sort of stuff." He said, shrugging his shoulder.

"But why are you asking about this suddenly?" he asked, looking suspicious.

"I'm taking Seema out on a date today" I mumbled.

"I must be getting old man. I keep hearing nonsense today" he said, pretending to clean his other ear.

I could do nothing but stare at him.

"You're taking Seema on a date? Seema, your wife? On a date?" he said, like it was an impossible feat.

Which, I guess is a little strange for someone who knows our story but doesn't know about any recent development.

"Yes" I simply said.

He stared at me. Just stared at me. For a long time. It started to creep me out.

"Stop it" I said, getting annoyed.

"I'm sorry but what am I missing?" he said, making himself comfortable on the sofa across me.

"What? Can't a husband take his wife out on a date?" I said, and instantly regretted because I knew I'd deserve whatever comes out of his mouth next.

"Oh, a husband can. You can't" he deadpanned and yep, I walked right into that one.

"Come on. I wasn't that bad." I tried to defend but the plea was dull and weak even to my own ears.

"Oh you were an ass. I don't know why she hasn't left you yet." he was being really honest today.

"Well, I am repenting for all these years of being a jerk" I said, and I was. I really was trying.

He looked at me and sighed.

"Well, at least you realized it, you dumbass" he said, shaking his head,

"You're being very honest today" I mumbled, my mood dropping a bit.

He shrugged and said, "So, where are you taking her?"

"I don't know. Help me." I sighed, dropping my head back.

"I don't know. Probably take her to her favorite place, with her favorite food." He said.

I thought about it and I didn't like it. it was nothing special, and I wanted to do something special.

Just then my phone rang and I picked it up to see it was Payal.

"Hi, Payal" I said, massaging my temples.

"Dad, listen, I know you don't remember it, so I'm calling early to remind you. I am a little busy tomorrow, so I need you to pick up the cake, and the gift. I've ordered it already, you just have to pick it up" she spoke like a bullet train.

"Woah woah woah. Cake? Gift?" I asked confused.

"Dad" she sighed and continued, "it's mom's birthday tomorrow."

"What?" I shot out of the sofa like I was sitting on a damn coal mine.

It was her birthday? How could I forget her birthday?

"Listen dad, I have to go. I called you during my break. My break is over. I'll text you the address, please don't forget to pick it up, okay?" she said.

"Okay" I mumbled feeling like an ass for forgetting her birthday. 

"What's wrong?" Vikram asked, worried.

"It's Seema's birthday tomorrow." I said, a little dumbfounded.

"Oh, ever better. Keep her out until midnight today and then surprise at 12, her birthday" Vikram said, grinning from ear to ear.

It wasn't that bad. Hmm, I liked it.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan" I said.

The only problem was, how was I going to keep her out until midnight?

Hi guys!! I'm back!!!!!! I did nothing but procrastinate this week. I'm definitely going to regret that in upcoming weeks when my deadline is looming over my head. 

Anyway, how was the chapter? I know it's a bit short but hey, the man has a date to plan, okay. He's busy. By the way, what do you think is he going to plan for the date? (P.S. Don't ask me. I don't know either. LOL)

Anyhow, did you like it? Please leave a comment and vote if you liked the chapter. 

Be safe, be healthy. 

I'll see you guys next week. Byeee.

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