In love with my wife

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Usually, if a heavy weight on my chest woke me up, I'd wake the person responsible for the weight, of course, Seema and have my way with her but the weight that woke me up that morning was not her. Because she never licked my face. I sighed and pushed away the damn dog without even opening my eyes because this was becoming a routine. Yes, a dog, Prince. Yeah I know, but Seema was all "he is so cute, I want to call him prince" and I couldn't say no to her.

I'm not that fond of animals but the look on Seema's face when I carried out the puppy from the backseat of the car was so worth it. Hell, I'll do anything to see that look on her face for the rest of our lives. Seema, to our kids was a very stern yet loving mother. But the puppy brought out a whole different level of love from her. She adored that dog so much so, the kids gave me a stink eye when they realized what had shifted their mother's attention from them and I was the one responsible for bringing the object of distraction. I loved seeing her like that, really, but there was one tiny problem. The dog refused to leave my side. Anywhere I went, he came. If I allowed it, he'd come to office with me.

I dodged yet another lick to my face and sat up grudgingly. He was sitting right on the middle of the bed, tongue hanging, tail wagging. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was smiling.

"You need to stop doing that" I said, mustering my stern face.

He barked.

"I'm serious." I said narrowing my eyes.

He tackled me.

After some push and pull, I went to the bathroom to freshen up and shut the door because one lesson was enough to know to never let him inside the bathroom again. I could hear him wailing as if I'd abandoned him. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ass and opened the door after finishing my business.

"Dramatic much?" I stared down at him.

He just gave sad eyes.

Shaking my head I made my way towards the kitchen where I could hear the clanking of pots. I stopped for few minutes to take my fill. Honestly, I should be over this by now, this sappiness, this school-boy-crush feeling but I was not. Maybe because I had been such an ass all my life. I took in Seema, her busy hand movements, her graceful move from one part of the kitchen to another. I was hopelessly in love with her.

My legs had a mind of their own and took me near her. I put my arms around her, nuzzled her skin behind the ear, placing a kiss there.

"You woke up early today" she said and I didn't have to look at her to know the smile in her voice.

"He won't let me sleep" I whined.

She chuckled and shifted a bit to see behind me. The dog was still looking at me sadly.

She laughed. "You shut the door at his face, didn't you?" she laughed harder.

"I am not cleaning up his mess again" I shuddered, remembering the mess he had made last time.

"He's got a crush on you, you know" she said, chuckling.

"Don't. That's just weird" I said, shaking my head.

She laughed and turned in my arms.

God, her eyes. How did I ever take time to know that they were the door to her feelings? They were so expressive. I feel like the luckiest man alive when she looks at me like this. Expression so honest, smile so beautiful and eyes so tempting.

"I love you" came out involuntarily.

"I love you too" she said without any hesitation.

"Uh-hum", someone coughed behind us.

I sighed and turned back.

"Didn't you buy your own house? You know it's rude to show up unannounced at someone else's house" I said, without any heat but a bit annoyed at Ru.

They had gotten a great deal in our neighborhood. An elderly couple were going to live with their children permanently and looking to sell the house. Vikram picked up the house faster than Prince picking up any piece of crumb we drop on the floor.

"Don't be rude" Seema said, smacking me on my chest.

I grumbled but didn't say anything.

"Ha" Ru exclaimed, waggling her eyebrows, "I knew she was going to tame you."

Prince made his way to Ru, I bet he was doing that, "I'm so sad, nobody loves me" face. He knew everyone was a sucker for him.

Ru played with him for few minutes before he came back to me.

"I'm going to walk him out" I said, tapping my hand on Seema' waist. Wherever she was, my hands found a way to touch her.

She nodded and smiled. 

I took Prince for a walk in the neighborhood, nodding and making small talk to the neighbors. Honestly, life was good. Life has never been better. Our kids were happy, settled in their own lives, mom and dad were healthy, happy to be with their grandkid, me and Seema were fantastic. There was a routine in our life, a domestic one, which I was more than happy to follow. Seema was happy, healthy, fortunately, still loved me. I couldn't ask for anything more.

I walked for few more minutes, feeling good, and then Prince started getting dragging his feet. Usually this was his way of saying, "enough of this, take me home". He was bossy and he knew he could get away with it.

I changed the course towards home and with every step I took, the feeling of things just being right warmed me. Entering the house, I could hear Seema's laugh, loud and full of happiness. And I knew, I'd die making her laugh like that.

Because she was the one. My best friend, my soulmate, my life, my everything. 

Because I fell in love with my wife, and I wouldn'thave it any other way.

Hiiiii. Wow, this is the last time I'm going to say that. (Not if I publish another one!!!)

Before you complain for a shot chapter, let me tell you, it was meant to be like that. I feel like, dragging anything, happiness or sadness, ruins the moment and leaves a bitter taste. So, this short chapter was from Avishek's POV to let you know what he was feeling. But anyway, this was it. How did you like it? 

Please leave a comment and vote if you liked the chapter. 

With this, I would like to officially conclude "In love with my husband". I hope I made the journey worthwhile for you guys. 

Maybe I'll come back, maybe not, whatever will happen, thank you very much!!

Byeee, I love you all. 

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