Childish Confessions

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That ass, does he think I can't see that he is flirting with my wife, right in front of me?

 I thought angrily, shoving my clothes inside the closet.

"Seema, always a pleasure meeting you" I mimicked what he said earlier.

I know it's a pleasure meeting her, I don't need that jerk getting any kind of pleasure meeting her.

"Um" I heard behind me.

I stopped and took a deep breath before turning to her.

"I'm sorry. I acted like a jerk" I apologized. 

I was not sorry I was rude to that guy; I was sorry for being rude to Seema.

"What's wrong?" she asked, coming to free my shirt which I had crumpled in my hand.

"How long has he been coming here?" I asked her.

She looked at me and answered without asking who.

"This was the second time. The first time he came to drop all of us home, but he didn't come inside." She said, straightening my crumpled shirt.

"I don't like that guy. He doesn't give good vibe" I said. 

I knew exactly what vibe he gave, that jerk.

"Why?" she asked, so innocently, all my anger just melted.

I sighed, came close to gather her in my arms and decided to be completely honest with her.

"I don't like him because he was flirting with my wife right in front of me. I don't like him because you talked about him every time we talked. I don't like him because you seem to like him too" I said, honestly.

I watched her eyes go big and she rushed to say, "I don't like him."

"You don't? But you thought he was so funny; he should be a comedian." I said, pushing a little. 

I knew she didn't like him like that, but hey, let a man be possessive of his wife without being toxic.

"I said that because he is funny" she said and rushed to amend it when she saw me making a face, "but I don't like him like I like you."

Her eyes were ridiculously big when she realized what she said and looked down to hide her face.

If she'd lean even a little, she'd be scared by how fast my heart was beating.

"And how do you like me?" I asked, hoping like hell, my voice didn't come out as shaky as I felt.

She shook her head as if to say no.

"Come on, tell me." I prodded, backing her up to our closet. 

Since the closet door was open, we went right inside it, the doors shielding us.

"I, I just meant, I didn't like him. I just thought he was funny. That's all." she said, not looking at me.

"So, does that mean, you don't like me?" I teased her.

"Stop asking me such questions" she said, finally looking up.

"Why? You were the first one to say you like me" I said, smirking.

"Stop teasing me" she said, a little whine slipping in her voice.

I laughed and got even more close to her, if that was even possible.

"I hope you like me, because I like you too. I really, really, really like you." I said, softly.

She visibly gulped at my admission.

"And I don't like when someone flirts with someone I really, really like." I continued.

"I don't think he was flirting. I think that's just his nature." she said, tilting her head.

"You don't get it. The way he looked at you when you were talking to me, the way he talked to you, even though he knew that your husband was standing right beside you, he was clearly flirting." I argued.

"You must have gotten it wrong. I am not someone people just flirt with." She said, and if I am not wrong, a little self-deprecatingly.

"What do you mean by that?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

She looked up and hesitated before finally speaking, "You and him, guys like you, you like someone like Ru, not me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, not fully getting it.

"Oh, come on. You know you are way out of my league. Guys like you or Sagun Ji, they like someone pretty, smart, confident, bea "

I kissed her.

Well, I just wanted to shut her up. I didn't like what she was saying. She was so pretty; I could look at her all day. She was so smart; she can outsmart me anytime she wants. The day she builds up her confidence, it is game over for me.

I just wanted her to stop talking those things and now that she has shut up, I can't pull away. I didn't really do anything, just put my lips against her. Not even moving it. Just against each other, but I didn't want to pull away. Finally, I moved, unfortunately, away from her. I look at her to see her standing there, in my arms, eyes closed, head tilted up as if asking for more, and I wanted to back to my past self and kick him on the ass for not seeing what was right in front of him.

"As much as it pains me to say, that guy and me, we both like someone who's very pretty, smart and beautiful. And if you ever say something like that again, I am going to shut you up like this." I whispered, thinking I'd break the bubble if I spoke loudly.

"Seema" I said, cupping her cheek, when she still didn't open her eyes.

She finally did and to my horror, her eyes welled up.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted you to stop talking bad about yourself. I won't kiss you again without your permission." I rushed out, thinking she didn't like it.

"I like you" she said, halting me mid-sentence.

I stopped and stared.

"I like you" she said again, looking me dead in the eye.

It was my turn to gulp.

She leaned forward, put her forehead to my chest, and whispered, "I like you so much."

"God, I like you." I finally said when I found my voice.

None of us spoke, as if letting each other bask in the aftermath of the simple, somewhat childish confession, but it was a confession nonetheless, and it was our first.

First out of many, I hoped. 

Hiii, I'm back. Is it just me or this Friday came way too early? How have you guys been?

Anyway, soooo, what did you think? I wish he shut her up everyday like this (hehe). Be honest though, did any of you, even in the slightest bit had expected this? Because I sure as hell wasn't. I was trying to go in other direction, but these are the words that somehow spilled out of me. And it shocked the hell out of me when I was done writing it. 

But anyway, did you like it? Please leave a comment and vote if you liked the chapter. 

Be safe, be healthy. 

I'll meet you guys next week. 

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