New Feelings

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"Seema, come on. We are getting late." I yelled for like 5th time. What was she doing? She never took this much time to get ready. I checked time once again and sighed. Rahul called half an hour ago to say they had already left for the wedding.

I lean against the kitchen door, waiting for her to come. I opened my mouth once again to yell for her when I heard heels.

Wait! Heels? She never wore heels.

Puzzled I look up and froze. I don't think I even blinked once. Seema stood there with dark red sari, hair bundled at the base of her neck, lips so damn red I could not notice anything other than that. She never wore dark lipsticks. Were her lips always that plump? Or does it look like that because of the lipstick?

A hand pushed my chin up and only then I noticed Ru was by my side, smirking.

"I am going to get my purse, then we can go" I hear Seema saying and I turned towards her once again and holy fuck, I almost fell forward losing my balance.

"What the hell is she wearing?" I whisper to myself.

"I know right? All those years of me hopping from shop to shop has finally paid off." Ru said, but I could not focus on her words.

"Though I must say, even though the blouse is very sexy, your wife makes it look sexier. You are a lucky man, you got one sexy woman as a wife." Ru said, staring towards the way Seema went.

Even though I did hear what she said, all my mind decided to think was that, that sinister blouse. Fuck.

Seema came back clutching a purse and I wordlessly went to the car.

Honestly, I don't even remember reaching the venue. All night long, my eyes decided to latch on her and followed her wherever she went. Even though we were married, I never really noticed her, her behavior, her habits, her expressions. Nothing. Of course, I knew she looked good, I am not blind, it's just, I was so bent on keeping my distance from her, I never really took a time to acknowledge her. After the first few initial years of avoiding each other, I think my mind and body both got the memo and even subconsciously I started staying away from her.

"Dad come one. Stop spacing out. I'm hungry, let's go eat." Rahul's voice pulled me out of my daydreaming and looked around to see people already moving towards the buffet section.

"Okay, go call mom and dad." I said, looking around and found them talking to the parents of the groom.

"Okay, you call mom and then we'll meet there." He replied and walked away.

I look back to Seema, talking to few ladies, hesitantly walked to her. We hadn't talked during the drive. I was somehow incapable to form any words and my mind refused to delete the image of her.

One of the ladies noticed me coming and said something that made the group laugh and Seema to turn towards me, looking surprised.

I smiled and greeted them before talking to her, "Let's go eat."

She nodded, not meeting my eyes. Recently, I have started noticing this thing, she does not look at me most of the time. She avoids my eyes.

"Where are mom and dad? Should I go call them?" she asks, looking around to search for them.

"No, Rahul has gone for them." I say, pulling her to my right side, to avoid crashing with the bunch of staff bringing in more dishes.

"O-oh", I hear her answer, distractedly.

I see Rohan waving his hand at me and we quickly move towards the table.

All night long, no matter what we did, my mind did not want to move away from my wife. She's been my wife for more than 20 years, but it was embarrassing, how much I did not know about her. I didn't know what she liked, what she hated, what she wanted. These things never bothered me. But for the first time in our strange relationship, I wanted to know. 

I wanted to know her. 

Okay, I said bye at the last chapter but then made the mistake of looking at the comments. Man, I am spoiling you guys way too much. 

Hehe, it's fine, though. I like spoiling you guys. 

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