Taking the Initiative

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I thought I knew what it meant when people said they were content in their life, but I was wrong. I never knew the meaning of the word. I finally know what it means when someone says they're fulfilled in their life, they are satisfied with their life. Ever since that night, when we kissed, um, a bit more passionately, okay, a lot more aggressively, my life took a turn I didn't know I needed.

Every morning, its me who wakes up first, admires the heck out of Avishek and kiss him on his cheek, which, by the way, never in a million years I thought I'd do, complete my morning routine, get ready for the day. Ru joins me in the kitchen, we have tea, talk, and then she goes to wake up her husband. Avishek comes in, stumbling, eyes still hooded with sleep and every damn morning, my heart races looking at his disheveled look.

Every. Damn. Morning.

He looks at me, smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek, audience be damned, and retreats back to the room to freshen up. Ru teases me to no end, and damn if my face doesn't burn every time he does that, but I love it. In fact, I look forward to it every morning. Then all four of us have breakfast, Avishek leaves for work, Vikash leaves for house hunting with Sagun, Ru makes plans for us to go outside, and I ruin her plan. Sagun doesn't come inside the house anymore, I don't know who had the talk with him, but he seems perfectly alright to wait for Vikash in his car. I haven't talked to him much other than a polite hi, hello while opening the door for him. Avishek still narrows his eyes and grumbles when he sees Sagun or when his name is brought up in the house but otherwise leaves him alone.

Yes, Ru and Vikash finally decided they wanted to settle here. Vikash was working on tying up all the connections back home. They were actually looking for a house not far from ours. I hope they'd be near. Regardless of everything, I had a wonderful time with Ru and I really liked her.

So, all in all life was going well. Great actually. Avishek took me out couple of times. Mom, dad, our children visited us constantly. I was happy. The only thing I had a tiniest bit of complaint was despite agreeing to taking the relationship forward, it was like we were stuck in that night. Avishek didn't take any initiative to repeat what had occurred that night and to be honest, it pissed me off. I wanted more. We did kiss and we had come close to crossing the line, but he stopped every damn time and I wanted to rip his hair off whenever he did that.

One day, finally I said to myself, "you know what, enough is enough". Well, honestly, the thought came to me when I saw Ru put her foot down when Vikash suggested to expand their house hunting to a bit further as there were no houses currently available in our area that met their requirements. I saw Ru going all, "I want to stay here. Near Seema". That's it, no other explanation, nothing, and I went, huh.

I don't know where this newfound confidence was coming from. Wait, scratch that. I knew exactly where this confidence was coming from. Avishek. That man's love gave me such strength I didn't know I had. He made me realize that it was okay to say my desires out loud, and it was okay to move at my own pace. Well, it was not just him. The experiences I had in my life taught me that as well. I mean, it wasn't like I was confident to be a CEO of a multinational company, but I had learnt that I could put my opinions and thoughts out there without being judged. Most important thing, I learnt to try. Always try. Does not matter if I fail, does not matter if I get rejected, try. Because you never know, what you might get in return. Might be good, might be bad. But both will teach you a lesson, might be painful, might be heartfelt, but you will grow. Sometimes, I realized, a little pain is needed in people's life to appreciate good things.

Finally, one night, I decided to just ask for it. We all had a lovely dinner, talked for a while and all went to their respective room for the night. Avishek was just closing the bathroom door when I entered the room. I took a deep breath, locked the bedroom door and went straight ahead. He had just turned around when he crashed into me. I pulled him down by his head for a kiss, that honestly might leave a bruise. I had stunned him to stillness with my surprise action and a little bite on lips shook him from it. He took control of the kiss, pulling me closer by my waist and maneuvering me so I was the one against the door this time. He pressed me against it, bending me backwards by my waist, so much so, the door creaked in protest. He eased up a bit, we slowly pulled back, both panting.

"What was that?" he asked, amidst his pants.

"That was me saying I will scratch your eyes out if you put stop to one of these ever again" I said, in between my own heavy breathing.

He was quiet for a moment, looking surprised before smirking and leaned in again.

"That was hot" he whispered, his breath hitting my lips.

His one hand came around my waist, moved up my back, came around my neck and finally settled on my throat. This action of his, placing the hand on my throat, he does it every time we get closer and it gives me a peek into his, um, ah, skills and I wanted more. I wanted to see what was there left in the store for me.

My thoughts had me gulping, and his eyes darkened when he felt the action under his hand.

He crushed his lips against mine once again and before I could mourn the loss of his hand on my throat, I was suddenly spun around. His slight push had me walking backwards, and I felt like I was falling from a cliff and landed on a pile of soft pillows.

The warm rays of run woke me up. I blinked couple of times to adjust my eyes to sudden brightness and tried to contemplate why I was late this morning with my fuzzy head. I looked around and saw the object of my lateness. Rather, I saw the back of object of my lateness. Back covered by scratches. Red, nasty scratches. Heat spread from my head to toe on realizing I was the one responsible for those. Last night came rushing to my mind and damn if it didn't make me want to wake him up again.

I covered my head in shame with the comforter upon the thoughts my mind was taking me to. I heard sheets rustling and peeked to see he had turned his head towards me. I just laid there, admiring him, letting the last night resurface, and tried really, really, hard not to wake him up. But who knew, apparently, he had unleased a beast inside of me and it was out of my control. I leaned over to kiss his eyelids, temple, forehead, cheeks, nose. I pulled away when I felt, rather than saw, his lips turn curve into a smile.

 I pull away to look at him.

"Good morning" he said, drowsily.

In response I went ahead and kissed him. After realizing I was planning to climb his body like a tree if he didn't take control right now, he pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and laughed.

"Good morning indeed" he declared, swallowed my gasp when he rolled us over and continued what we had stopped last night.

Hiiiii, I'm back! This Friday came a lot faster though. Didn't you think so?

Weell, this was a slightly, ahem, an adult chapter. I didn't go into full details because I wanted to give you give a little peek and let you guys interpret the rest with your imagination. That's way more exciting isn't it?

I know I said, I was going to write few more chapter before ending it, but then I thought it would be better if I stop when the timing's right, when everything is going great. I would hate to ruin something I worked so hard for just because I didn't want to stop. 

So, people, I am going to end the book in the upcoming chapter. Don't worry, I will babble a lot more next week.

Anyway, this was all for today. Please leave a comment and vote if you liked the chapter.

I'll be back next time. Till then, be safe, be healthy and be happy. 

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